Chapter 1

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♢Cody's Pov♢

I gazed at the rain drops on the window and stared at the passing cars.

"Are you excited." Asked my Mom.

"Um..." I glanced briefly at her "Not really, actually I'm pretty nervous." I leaned my head back in the sea of the car, letting negative thoughts spreaded through my head like a wildfire. Thoughts such as "Will I fit in?" and. "Will they like me."

"You'll do fine." My mom said. I glanced at her, questioning if she read my mind. After a couple of minutes we finally reached the school. I look out my window, sweat dripped from my face as I looked at my peers. There was a lot of them too.

"I hope so." I said hoping out of the car.

"Call me if you need me honey." I went over to hug my Mom.

"Okay Mom." I said sighing

The school was big, placed dead in the middle of a large campus. Where -unfortunately- most of the students stood in groups talking, and for some gossiping.

I walked up the steps that led into the place that I know I will hate. When I got inside I went directly to the office to pick up my schedule. It was already halfway through the school year, I don't see why I couldn't just stay at the old school.

When I got there, there was a lady at the desk who wore to much make up and had an attitude.

"My name is Cody Carson I'm here to pick up my schedule."

"You're new here right?" She said with a snarl on her face.

"Uh yeah" I said quickly, wanting nothing more than to snatching it away from her. She handed me the schedule with a nasty look. I smiled at her and quickly went out of the office, looking for my first class.

The first class I had was history with Mr. Miller in room 201. The tardy bell went off as soon as I got up to the floor where the class was. I started to run so I wouldn't be more late than I already am. I picked up my pace and ran into a massive blob of pure muscle.

"Watch where your going nerd." The guy said, as he turned around. He had dirty blond hair and he was wearing a varsity jacket.

"Uh I'm so sorry" I said backing up and dusting myself off.

"Wait you new here aren't you?" He said coming closer to me. I looked him up and down and then I took off.

I made it to Miller's room and opened the door and slammed it shut, the whole class turned and peered at me, including Mr. Miller.

"Sorry I'm late I'm new here, where do I sit?"

He looked at me confused, he also looked a little bothered. "Let me see your schedule." He said placing his hand out. I gave it to him and he studied it.

"Okay just sit over there for now and if you talk I will be sure to move you." He said giving it back and then pointing to an empty seat beside some blond kid with glasses.

I made my way to my seat and then Mr. Miller continued preaching.

"Hi my name is Maxx." My table buddy said holding his hand out. It was very noticeable, but he had a lisp caused by braces.

I looked at Mr. Miller and then back at the kid. "Hi my name is Cody." I muttered. I shook his hand back. First nice person I met today. He smiled and then went back to writing. I got out a piece of paper and started to take notes too.

"So what school did you previously attend?"

"Um It was just some other little school outside of Tampa." I said scratching the back of my head.

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