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When we finally get to the beach and we find a perfect spot to park. I unlock my seatbelt and my parents do the same. They open their doors, and my dad comes and gets me. As I am out of the car, I look all over the place. The water, the people, sand, and seagulls. Dad unlocks the trunk, and gets out our stuff, for the beach. He then locks the trunk, and we all walk up to the sand.

The sand was cold, from people walking to their spots, from the water. We find a spot, and dad sets it all up. I look at the water, and ask myself, "How cold is it?" I run up to the water, and dip my foot in it. It was so freezing, that I felt chills go down my spine. I run back to my parents, and ask if I can play in the water.

"No, not yet. Let me just sit for a moment," mom said.

I then go back to the water, but this time, I sit next to it. I see people surfing, and some just swimming. Then, I feel water all over me. I wasn't paying attention, to what I was doing. A wave came, and took me with it. I feel as if the water is someone, climbing on top of me, to get higher because they can't breathe.

And then, I'm underwater. I try swimming up to the surface, struggling to breathe and splashing my arms to get help. But it's no use. I feel my body floating down beyond the water. I then feel someone grab me, and I open my eyes. I see that everything is blurry. I then see some sort of mermaid figure with a purple tail, and a starfish bra.

I then see her grab my left arm, and bites me. I then try to get away from her, but I then notice, when she bit me, I can breathe, and see clearly underwater. She took me down with her, and showed me where she lived. She lived on a long rock, surrounded with stones, and plants. She showed me her pet jellyfish, named, "Jelly," who was pink, and purple. She takes my hand and takes me to the surface, and when we reached the surface, I can see her clearly. She is a beautiful mermaid. I look where my parents are, and they are standing up, looking for me.

"I'm Lily, and I'm sorry if I hurt you. But I want to let you know, that I wanted you to live," She admitted.

"It's okay, but can you excuse me really quick? My parents are wondering where I am," I told her.

She nods, and smiles. I swim towards my parents, and I eventually get to the sand. I get out of the water, and hug them both.

"Are you okay?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, but I was talking to my new friend, Lily," I told them.

Mom and dad smiled, and mom gave me a hug, and I ran back to the water. But this time, I just walk right in.

"Infected" MermanWhere stories live. Discover now