nice art-thing

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luke giggled as ashton did a hilarious dance to an alt-j song, shaking his head at his friend's antics as he strolled over to the art supplies closet, opening the lightweight door and grabbing different shades of blue, white, and green acrylics. ashton turned the music down, finally, and grabbed a vitamin water out of the fridge.

"what are you going to do with forest green? i'd go for a seafoam blue-green. if you can mix that that's all you though, but i would play it safe," ashton judged, scratching the slight stubble he had.

"i figured i would shadow and highlight with it. i'll be fine, ash," luke said, playfully shoving the long haired goon out of his workspace.

luke imagined liquid contentment and pureness as he expertly painted the small portion of the canvas. he imagined a melancholy, picturesque fog shielding his eyes and the painting.

whenever he had to get attached to a painting, he thought of his depression problems and his insomnia disorder and solidified the packed, overflowing mess of writhing sadness.

painting had become scarily therapeutic for luke.

a knock on the door brought luke to his senses, averting his gaze from the painting to the newspaper, setting his brush down and brushing his dingy painting clothes by habit.

"i ordered, you get the door," ashton mumbled, sipping the juice and focusing on his shading. luke pouted, slipping forward and getting the door.

he opened the grey door to see a striking boy gripping the takeout bag in his hand. he looked tired and stressed, but his sparkling eyes looked alive, like a tangible moonlight. he smiled lightly, handing the box to luke.

"two orders of wok chicken, no vegetables?" the delivery boy clarified.

the equally tired boy slowly nodded, gripping the chicken and staring at the deliverer in a manner that would make you think he was hypnotized. he though the boy with the eyebrow piercing and red-dyed hair was intriguing and mesmerizing.

"uh, the payment, sir?"

luke widened his eyes. "oh! yeah, uh."
he reached in his pocket and got 10 dollars and slipped it into michaels hand.

michael graciously took it as he looked over luke's shoulder and huffed in amazement.

"nice art-thing, it's amazing. oh my god, you drew that?" he said in a daze.

"painted, yes. i painted it," luke said with a dark blush.

"paint me sometime," the boy joked with a heavenly laugh.

luke shrugged. "i can, if you really wanna." his insides were a putty and his mind was mush around the stranger.

"maybe sometime," the red-dyed boy said, his lips curving up at the ends. his cupid's bow was gently curving and his bottom lip was a dark red. "i'm michael."

luke looked down, not wanting to stare at the boy, and fiddled his fingers together. "my name's luke."

michael ruffled his dyed hair and fixed a side strand, smiling. he took in the sight of the tired-looking artsy blonde, never wanting to avert his gaze. he was so humble and shy, and michael just wanted to make him comfortable.

luke gripped the door with his pale hand, shyly smiling.

"thanks michael," he said, almost in awe.

"no problem luke," michael said with a smirk.

michael got ready to go as luke shut the door, hearing it click before quietly squealing and running to set the chicken on the laminate counter.

ashton looked up at him quizzically and laughing when seeing luke's flustered face.

"he was hot," luke simply stated.

ashton laughed, adding a small stroke with his pencil. "did you get his number?" ashton asked.

"no," luke stated, frowning. "that's impossible and weird. how would i have done that?"

"i don't know," ash shrugged. "i hope you like the chicken he delivers if you want to see him again."

luke shook his head and opened his takeout container and cracked his chopsticks. he fished out a piece of chicken and bit into it, continuing the painting.



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