First encounter

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Okay so I had this dream last night that was quite strange..
I sat in the front of what looked like a small classroom where the ghouls sat, I sat in the front facing the others because I was new, we all had those standard silver masks with mouth openings.
I looked around after a little while and my eyes got stuck on Swiss that sat alone in the back, he looked up at me and then winked and when I hit wide eyed of slight shock he smiled and I quickly looked away as he continued sighing some papers, they all where sighing som papers and it looked like it was some questions they where answering. Most of them where concentrated and everyone had to sat alone at a table. Anyways, Swiss continued smiling whilst sighting working on the paper and throwing quick glances while doing so.
Rain who sat in the front also took a quick glance mostly to just see who I was. The others where to busy to even care.
After at lest 30 minutes of the dead silence that was, all the ghouls got up to a guy that was next to me who collected the papers and after he had all their papers he told us all to go and wait in the cafeteria. So we went, I walked last.
When we came to the cafeteria I went to buy a chocolate bar and a Fanta exotic, aether was in front of me to buy a banana.
After I bought my stuff I went to sit down in the corner of the cafeteria by myself (because I'm shy and get a little anxious)
I put on my headphones to listen to some music and look at Pinterest as I usually would do.
After a little while it felt like someone where starring at me, so I look up to see Swiss and sodo sitting buy a table and talking, Swiss looking at me again and he started to smile again then we lock eye contact.
I once again look away quickly and kinda turn to the wall a little, leaning against it. Blushing madly and having butterflies in my stomach.
I continued to ignore him for at least another 15 minutes as I scrolled through Pinterest.
I didn't notice that I had start tapping my foot to the music and humming along to 'don't stop believin' by journey, singing along quietly.
After a little while I felt a tap on my shoulder so I look up to see Swiss standing there smiling gently.
I gently slide of my headphones to see what he wants.
"You're singing beautifully my dear" he said softly with a smile,
"You wanna follow me out? I want to get to know you"
I nod as I take off my headphones fully.
"I could use some fresh air" I said looking at him and he nod.


As we came out he light a cigarette and so did I.
Swiss: I didn't know you smoked.
Me: ye sadly I do but I can at leas go a couple of hours without doing so.
Swiss: cool.

2min later after the smoking and just standing outside.

Me: you know, you where taller than I expected... I like that.
I laughed nervously.
He smirks slightly looking like he's gonna crack a joke.
He takes out he's vape and takes a deep sip from it, then blows it in my face and starts to head inside.

Me: HEY!
I laugh slightly
Me: raspberry?
Him: yep! How did you know?
Me: I could smell it dummy
I said half jokingly as I lightly elbow him in the side.
He laughed.

Tw is over

He walked me over to the others that sat by a table joking around in the cafeteria.

Swiss: hi guys!

The other ghouls became quiet as they looked over at me and Swiss, sodo, mountain and aether smirking.
Swiss: oh come on guys!
I just look confused.
Then Cumulus came over to me and wrap an arm around my shoulder.
(Idk how to spell her name)

Cumulus: Hey girl! Wanna sit with me and Cirius?

The other ghouls just laughed slightly as they all started talking and joking around again

I walked with cumulus to sit with cirius.

( don't know how if I spell ether of their names correctly lol)

Cirius: hi girl, what's your name?
Me: oh you can just call me sozzo
They smiled and I smiled back.
Cumulus: I heard that you where joining the group and gonna help with backup vocals.

I nod.
Cirius: ooh great! What's your favorite song from ghost?
Me: over all I think it's witch image but when it comes to singing I think it is, darkness at the heart of my love and, kaisarion.

Both: ooo.
Cumulus: wanna sing, darkness at the heart of my love, then?
Me: Shure!

We put the song on on cumulus phone as we start to sing.

The other ghouls notices and states to get closer to join in.
Swiss takes a chair and sits between me and Cirius and starts to sing along.
Aether takes the seer between cumulus and Cirius and also joins in.
The other s stood and watched and mountain clapped his hands on his legs to the music.

After the song ends, rats starts to play.
I start to clap my hands no my legs to the beat and head bangs slightly while singing, making the typical slight growling sound while singing "rats"
They all look a little half shocked that I could do that.
When the song was over, Cirius asked me if ther was another song I wanted to sing to.
I asked her to play "be alright by Dean Lewis"
So she put the song on.
I where the only one who sang along but I didn't mind.
About halfway through the song, Swiss wrapped his arm around my shoulder which I didn't mind ether.
Once the song was over I opened my eyes and looked up.
They where all looking at me.

Me: what? Is it really that bad?

I said jokingly.

Cumulus: No,no, you actually sang with feeling like as if you actually relate to the song.

Me: ye I usually sing songs like this to vent sometimes..

Cirius: oh I'm sorry.

She said with a bit of worry in her voice.

Me: it's okay.
I said as I smiled.

Swiss stood up from his seat, I looked up at him and he looked down at me with soft sparkly eyes.

Me: hmm?

Swiss bent over and hugged me.

Me: wait-

I stood up so we could hug probably.
He pulled me closer and hugged me so I hugged back.

Both cumulus and Cirius awed and some of the boys just smirked.

He hugged me tighter and I nudged my head gently against his chest I hugged him tighter too.
Then the others joined in on the hug in a big group hug as we all laughed.

End of the dream!
Hope u liked it and if you want me to turn this little dream into an actual story, feel free to tell me in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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