Chapter Three: Hsin

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(Hsin = ha-sin) ( Dmimitra = d-meat- tra)

The next thing I know I am being put down on a rock by a river, he had stopped to get water for me and himself so I asked, "what is your name? I'm Dimitra" he looked at her and said "I am Hsin it is nice to meet you so can you tell me what happend out there?" I looked down at my shoes and said " swerved a deer on the road, i don't like to kill animals for fun, it kills me to do it, but when i was seven killed a animal and was never the same again, I got softhearted." Hsin looked down and said "what animal did you kill?" I swore an oath, never to tell anyone about hunting, "just deer" Hsin nodded, got up then picked me up again and continued to walk. I asked him, "why are you taking me?" He didnt even look at me, "because I saw your car, got you out and took you up the river," we came up to the bridge, and he started to go up to it. "Well then, you can just leave me here and I can get my own ride home." We got up the bridge and he said, "okay fine, we're about 2 miles out of town, so have a great life." And he left walking back the same way to we came from. I noticed that my black leather purse was hanging on my shoulder and pulled my phone out, surpisingly, it wasnt damaged. I called my Aunt Maddie and told her where I was, and in about 5 minutes, her Alexis car pulled up next to me. "Hey honey, where's your Jeep?" I looked at her, "I tried not to hit a deer and got in a crash." And I knew I had trouble to deal with when I got home, but all I could think of was Hsin

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