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"Kite?" A sweet voice called out to KiteClaw as she slept.

KiteClaw opened her eyes slowly, trying to lift her head.

"So you are a Phoenix Clan cat,"

KiteClaw look at the cat stood before her, slowly realising it was Shadow. She looked different, her eyes were a pure white. KiteClaw jumped up surprised to see her after watching her die, she could feel tears forming in her eyes.

"You died," She stutter moving closer to get a better look at Shadow. She frantically looked around seeing the endless plain of land that reflected the moon rise in the sky. Looking down she saw ripples of water travelling from her paws. Her glances became frantic, confused and lost.

"Kite!" Shadow mewed, she brought her face closer rubbing it against KiteClaw's cheek. "This is StarClan,"

"I-i didn't die... Did I?" KiteClaw questioned.

"No, you did not," Shadow meowed in a soothing tone. She took a step backwards and looked into the sky above her "Phoenix Clan cats can talk to StarClan, like medicine cats. However it s bit more coherent for Phoenix Clan cats." She explained, turning back to KiteClaw.

KiteClaw took a breath, relived but saddened by the truth that Shadow was indeed dead.

"Kite, listen to me," Shadows meow was quick and shaky. KiteClaw looked at her worried expression, "I'm not sure how long you will be here for but, StarClan talks. They have told your medicine cat a new prophecy,"

KiteClaw's ears perked up, listening to what Shadow was saying but her gaze was drawn to a small figure getting closer to her. Her eyes became drowsy

"Kite!" Shadows voice started to fade as KiteClaw recognised a bright green leaf wrapped around the figures face, covering one of its eyes.

She tried to keep her eyes open but they became heavier and heavier. As she drifted off KiteClaw heard Shadows voice one last time telling her, "When winter comes, the forest will fall..."

As Shadows voice faded KiteClaw found herself back in the Warriors den panting. She took a moment to catch her breath, but soon started to hyperventilate again after recognising the leaf band aid from the mysterious cat in StarClan. It Was Club.

Without thinking about it too much she bolted out of the warriors den and towards the entrance of the camp. KiteClaw heard a few meows as she sprinted out of the camp, starting to head towards Moon ring. She was focused on one thing, finding Club and Ace, after seeing the figure in StarClan her mind was casted back to her dream before Shadow died.

As she approached Moon Ring she started to catch the sent of fresh blood wafting through the air. Approaching, KiteClaw crouched hiding in the long grass that surrounded Moon Ring. The smell of fresh blood grew stronger as she approached, It wasn't until she peered in to Moon Ring her fear was realised. Club was lying on the ground covered in blood that was not only was he eyeless, but still smiling. KiteClaws vision became blurry as she unsheathed her claws, manically searching for any other cat around.

As she was about to take a step into Moon Ring when she heard a screech. Before she could move, a blue tom-cat was flung into the clearing. 

"Finally," KiteClaw snapped her head towards the voice, Watching as Ace emerged, limping towards IceHeart. "I will be free of you."

Ace reached IceHeart catching her breath as she slowly dug her claws into his neck. IceHeart tried to laugh, his broken voice only leading him to cough profusely 

"You won't make it out alive." IceHeart choked out.

With her injured paw, Ace swiped at IceHeart neck, his blood splattering onto her face.

KiteClaw breathed a sigh of relief, though, she was still on edge. She stood up, going to call out Ace's name when a ginger and white Tom-cat shot out of nowhere like a lightning bolt. He pinned Ace down and without hesitation sunk his teeth into her neck.

KiteClaw's eyes widened, letting out a sharp yell before being pinned to the ground herself. She didn't check who it was, instead began crawling her way towards Ace.

"C-Clover?" Ace meowed.

The Tom-Cat quickly removed his teeth from her neck and looked at her blooded face. Slowly his eyes widened and ears flattered.

"Sister!?" he replied, beginning to tremble.

KiteClaw finally broke free of the cats pinning her down, running as quick as she could towards Ace as she seemed to still be breathing. She stood in front of Ace, blocking the Tom-cat from finishing the job. She faced down the cat, her tail swishing furiously. However she couldn't bring herself to attack him because of the horrified look on his face.

The cats who had pinned down KiteClaw jumped through the high grass. The to-cat turned to them, quickly evacuating as he recognised the sent. KiteClaw watched him leave,

"KiteClaw!" HoneyBloom's voice echoed.

KiteClaw ignored her commanding voice, instead looking back at Ace. It was too late, her ears flattened, eyes welling up.

MothSong pushed passed HoneyBloom to comfort KiteClaw. A million thoughts flashed through her mind but she didn't have time to process it, turning her head and seeing HoneyBloom glaring at her.

MothSong, HoneyBloom and AmberFur, escorted KiteClaw back to the camp. Once they arrived FeatherFlower, EchoBerry, AshFlame and Heart'Paw all rushed towards her, but were kept away by AmburFur. They lead KiteClaw into OakStar's den.

"MothSong, AmberFur, Please leave us." OakStar said walking towards KiteClaw.

The two she-cats left.

"Leader! KiteClaw can't be let off from this, she has violated the warriors code and done so at the risk of the clan!" HoneyBloom hissed circling KiteClaw till she was in front of her, next to OakStar.

"HoneyBloom, she is still not used to clan life." OakStar looked towards KiteClaw with a soft look. "Why did you run out of the camp?"

KiteClaw was hesitant after HoneyBlooms changed attitude towards her, "I-I Spoke to StarClan,"

"Tsk, Now she is making up lie to excuse her behaviour." HoneyBloom spat rolling her eyes.

"I'm not lying!" KiteClaw shouted catching both HoneyBloom and OakStar off guard. "I am a Phoenix Clan Cat! And both of you know that."

HoneyBloom narrowed her eyes further, "I am supposed to take you at your word."

KiteClaw looked around the room, trying to think of something she could use as evidence. Then it came to her.

"The Prophecy! There's a new Prophecy that a StarClan cat told me,"

HoneyBloom's look changed to one of curiosity. The two warriors waited for her to recount the Prophecy she claimed to know.

"W-When winter comes, the forest will fall..."

"Put your trust in the bird that sores." The three warriors looked to the right, were another voice spoke. It was ShadeBerry. "How did you know the New Prophecy?" She asked, walking towards her with curious eyes.

KiteClaw looked towards HoneyBloom and saw her face, brows furrowed and eyes fixed to hers. KiteClaw turned back to ShadeBerry with more confidence.

"I am of Phoenix Clan."

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