"You're wellcome son"

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The sky was cloudy and grey as the rain didn't stop as the day progressed, it was a normal day at the Armed Detective Agency well for everyone except one Atsushi Nakajima.

Atsushi had suffered a lot in his eighteen years of life, first being abused and abandoned by his parents, then he was picked up by the orphanage where the headmaster seemed to have such a hatred for him and abused him on a daily basis, nearly killed the poor boy twice. Then there was Shibuzawa... he'd rather not talk about him.

But then he met the agency, and became one of the members, he had a family now, one that cared about him a lot. Surprisingly, he had grown very close with the president, usually choosing to spend his free time and lunch breaks with the older man, said older man didn't seem to mind in-fact he actually enjoyed spending time with his young subordinate.

He helped him with his work, let him go on specific missions if he asked to go on them, brought extra lunch to share with him, even let the younger boy call him by his fist name and let him lay on his lap after some hard training with Kunikida.

After a while of them getting closer to each other, Atsushi had lost all... well most of his initial fear for the older man, I mean it wasn't really fear it was more like he was intimidated by the other man. He was seen as a cold man with not much known about his past, while Atsushi was a orphan with so much trauma and PTSD who had never had a stable parental figure in his life.

So when the young albino boy accidentally called him 'dad' during one of his lunch breaks it didn't really shock Fukuzawa, he himself had started viewing Atsushi as more than a colleague, how could he describe his felling a towards his subordinate? I mean if you asked him he'd say he had started viewing the smaller male as ,well he'd say he definitely treated him differently to the rest of the ADA.

He treated him like a child, not in a rude way, it's more like he has this overwhelming need to hold and protect him from the horrible world they'd found themselves in, protect him from all the people who wished to harm him. In Fukuzawa's eyes, he was still a scared child who needed an adult to take care of him, someone to guide him through this world and explain to him how it works.

Atsushi needed a parent, and Fukuzawa was more than willing to fill in that void he had, by becoming one.

After the whole calling him 'dad' incident and after he reassured him it was fine and that he didn't mind, they got even closer after that.
Once when atsushi was finishing up some paperwork that Dazai had given him 'probably the work he didn't want to do' he thought to himself, but he wasn't going to say no to his superior.

A little while later Fukuzawa entered the main office and walked straight up to Atsushi, once he noticed the older man's presence he looked up and smiled.

"Oh! Good-afternoon Yukichi-san!" The older man closed his eyes and smiled softly.

"Good-afternoon Atsushi"

Everyone in the room had there jaws hanging open as they watched the two converse, they seemed so comfortable talking to each other, hell Atsushi even called him by his given name. Only people who were close or if they were family really ever called someone by their given name.

So it was either he said it without permission, which was highly unlikely because the older man didn't seem to mind. Or he was given permission to call him that, which would mean they had gotten close enough to be on a first name basis.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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