Afton Family reunion episode 1 Cops and Robots

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William Afton: good morning kids
Pablonator: Hi mama
Charlie Emily: Hi mom
Jesse Emily: hi mom
William Afton: we're going to have guests here I want you guys to be nice
Pablonator: what about that mean lady
Jesse Emily: just don't worry about her she's nothing to us now
Pablonator: ok
William Afton: *saw his old family*
Clara Afton: William!!!!!!! *Hit him*
William Afton: Ahhh!!!!!!
Elizabeth Afton: haha look it's crybaby calls dad
William Afton: Where is Jesse?
Michael Afton: who is Jesse
Me Irl: I will being him here
Jesse Emily: Mom!!!!! *Hug Him*
Chris Afton: who are you?
Jesse Emily: oh I am Jesse Emily and William and Henry kid
Elizabeth Afton: daddy will never cheat on mommy 
William Afton: .....
Clara Afton: so you did cheat on me
William Afton: I didn't do it we got to divorce 
Pablonator: Mama I miss you
Clara Afton: oh it's that Orphan
Pablonator: oh is that every woman who left me in the The aisle 
Clara Afton: .....
Pablonator: i'm not the one who left the orphan in aisle!!!
Clara Afton: can you just be quiet
Pablonator: do I really know you 
Clara Afton: Grr!!!!!!
Pablonator: *Laughs like William Afton* 
William Afton: now  you're my favorite child
All Afton kids: what!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pablonator: Yey
Clara Afton: *Hit William Afton* you always being mistake
Jesse Emily: *Grab her* No he is best mother we ask for 
Charlie Emily: yes
So Charlie Emily real mom Mrs. Emily is dead because Charlie but Henry Emily love Charlie Emily as his daughter when Jesse was 3 years old and William Afton don't want kills Charlie Emily and he regret kill her but not other kids  and Henry Emily and William Afton adopt Pablo

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