12. Thinking

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~Yvette POV

As Jacob drove us home, I couldn't help but think what I saw back there. I could have sworn I seen Derrick. No, no no. We have just gotten away from them and they're already on our ass? This can't be happening. What are we going to do now? Move again? With what money?! My head started to throb due to over thinking. I removed my eyes from the window and glanced at Jacob who was staring ahead. He looked deep in his thoughts as well as I were.

"What's wrong?" He asked while not breaking eye contact with the road.

"Nothing.." I sighed. This was all too much for me. For Jacob. No, for both of us. He shrugged and brushed the subject off.

My eyes went back to staring out of the window. Hmm, I never realized how pretty nature was until now. I felt my eyes close slowly and my body get weak. I had drifted off to a dreamless slumber.

I woke up with a voice calling my name. To my realization, it was Jacob. I was too tired to wake up now. He tapped my shoulder and I quickly shooed him away.

"Wake up Yvette, we're home. You can go back to bed when we get inside the house" he said in a low tone.

My body slowly began to rise as I yawned and stretched. It took me a while to come to reality but when I did, I ran in the house and up the stairs to my room. Of course, I plopped right on my bed. Moments later, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs towards my room.

"Yvette wake up please." Jacob said as he walked through the door. I felt the bed sink down so it came to me that he had sat on the bed.

I didn't say anything. Just continued to lay there. Why? Because I was tired. Tired of the bullshit. Tired of running away. Tired of not living a normal life. Rodney had ruined my life. I'm supposed to be doing what teenagers usually do. Go to school. Have friends. Shop. He took that right from my hands.

"I'm tired Jacob, go away." I finally spoke. I just didn't feel like being bothered right now. I was exhausted. My energy has been drained. It's like I don't even have a soul anymore.

"Yvette, I'm not leaving until you're awake and you tell me what's wrong with you." Jacob said calmly. How could he not know what's wrong with me?! Look at what shit I've gone through. Shouldn't that make him see why I'm the way I am.

"Are you kidding me Jacob?" I said as I arose from the bed and glaring at him. "What's wrong with me? No, what's wrong with you? Haven't you opened your eyes yet? We're in a harsh reality. We're running away when we should be fighting back! This shit it not easy for me. I want to live the good life. Not running away every single moment I spot danger. Jacob, look at our predicament. It's bullshit!"

Jacob laughed a little bit and glanced at me.

"Yvette, stop this. It isn't about you all of the time. Instead of looking at you, what about me? The both of us actually. Don't you think I want to do some of the things you said? Don't you think I want to do what regular teenagers do?! I hate running away. It makes me- US- look like cowards. Believe in me, I want to fight back but with what? What do we have Yvette? Think about it."

Everything remained silent for a few until I felt a thumb glide swiftly across my cheeks. I was crying?

"Please don't cry Yvette. It'll only get better. I promise you it will." Jacob said.

I sniffled a little and gave him a weak smile. He was right for the most part. I was acting pretty selfish. The world does not revolve around me. It doesn't revolve around anyone at least. To see that I didn't consider what he was feeling hurt me deeply. That's not the Yvette I am. I am suppose to put other people's needs before my own. I just felt the need to.
I felt a hand rub my thigh and I looked at Jacob. He smiled and gave me a small peck on the lips. His touch made me tingle inside. It felt nice to know that someone was going through the same thing you are now. I just felt completely safe in his arms.

"Come on Yvette, let's order pizza!"
Jacob and I were downstairs watching The Hangover Part III while eating pizza. I had never seen this movie before but it was fucking hilarious. I almost choked on pizza during this one scene and Jacob had to pat my back really hard. He really thought I was choking.

After that movie, we put in Godzilla. We were currently watching that now. This felt so nice. To be close to the one you adore. To be safe. Just amazing.

"Hey Yvette" Jacob whispered. He was laying down on my lap with his face glued to the screen.


"Ever thought about having a child?"

That's when I was really choking. I tried to gasp for air but I only failed making it worse.

"Shit, are you okay?" He bust out laughing.

"Yes you fucking douche bag."

We both got quite for a while after the whole incident. Jacob finally spoke after a while.

"Well, ever thought about it?"

"Why would you ask me a silly question like that Jacob?" I nervously chuckled.

"It's not silly, I'm being dead ass serious. I just wanted to know because I've been thinking." He said while staring right into my soul.

"I've probably thought of having a child on some occasions but not really. Why?" I asked trying to see where he was getting at.

"Okay so, I have. A lot. What if I was a father? Would I be good? Hopefully because I want to give my son the world. I want him to grow up with people respecting him, learning from him and idolizing him." Jacob said as he started to stare at nothing in particular.

I chuckled at the fact that he said son.

"What's funny?"

"You said son. What if you have a daughter Jacob?"

He sat there staring at nothing again. The silence remained for a couple of minutes this time.



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why?" I asked seeing the concern on his face.

"Because, you look upset. You're not saying anything."

"Nah I'm fine, just thinking."

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