Ryomen Sukuna

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These are my overall ideas about his past self:

- His name is Ryomen Sukuna, since he was born, the only difference in name he ever got was being called Rye or Ry-o by a friend

- He lived a whooping 18 years
- was part of the current jujutsu society in the Heian period
- He comes from a big clan (that got erased as time goes on)

- his technique, the slice and dice one, along with ⬛️ are THE treasured and valued abilities from his clan
- he already had the curse marks when he was younger, they exist because of his ability

- he went thru hell when he was a child (till 12) before he went to the juju school
- he has one sister (who cares about him) and one older brother (who hated his guts)

- he was the leader of the 12 strongest sorcerers
- barely showed any emotion nor care for people, genuin smiles and small chuckles were reserved for a few special people

- he had blue eyes
- pink hair as it is a trait of his family
- fangs because.. yes
- his markings were slightly different from the ones present on his cursed form

-due to trauma it's hard for him to trust and fully understand his feelings and emotions
- however he can easily identify, and fully feel disgust, anger and spite

- He DEFINITELY meet Kenjaku before
- made a Pakt with him that came back to haunt him later
- later on hunted him with the other sorcerers as he was a wants men for committing mass genocide, together with trying to sabotage his unknown plans that he had (shibuya)

- he has a distant relation to Yuji, as he's a descendant of his sister

- I also kinda refuse to believe that his soul/power is only sealed in his 20 fingers..
So the rest of his soul is sealed away in a special ritual box, as a concentrated soul stone, that keeps the rest of him locked away

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