~chapter 1~

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Yugi's pov

i was in the tree talking to marik we lauch and play a little when i hear howling "what was that yugi" i shrug "i don't know marik let's not check it out" we nodded and we climb the tree.

i hear barking and growling "yugi let's just check it out" i nod a little i jump to a branch and the branch snap off the tree we both fall i landed on my back marik landed on my belly i look at  marik who is scared i look up i jump to see a tall wolf fox thing "why are you two out here alone" marik was about to when i stop him "i was just lost and lonely why are you out here" he seem nice "come little one" i nod and follow him i stop i grab marik and run up to this wolf fox thing what is he why is he tall so tall.

we got to a cave or a underground hole i still follow him he look at a snake it look like a KING COBRA!! i put marik down because he is a snake after all "you behave marik" he nod "have fun yugi" i nod "you too" we laugh i follow him he sat down and look me in the eyes his red rudy eyes "are you can you don't seem okay" i look at him blushing "yeah i'm okay just looking for the place to stay in before i leave tomorrow" he look sad why did you say that "oh that's fine" he got up and walk to probably his room "you want to know who i am i am a maned wolf if you don't know i'm am the one who protect these forest and why are you in these forest all alone little" i look at him scared and lonely "hey why are you crying little one come here" i walk over to him snuggle he put his paw on my back "it's okay nothing to cry about i'm here shh" i fall asleep oh his chest.

Yami's pov

he fall asleep on my chest i smile and pick him up softly and lay him down on my bed i lay next to him try to make it comfortable i feel unsafe when i hear tea voice he snuggle up more up on me tea walk in my room "oh so now your cheating on me wow" i roll my eyes "he needs a place to stay are you blind he is scared and alone and now you trying to make me kick him out of my house i'm the one who keep your ass alive so if you don't made i have a red panda to be to if you want to be a ass you can hunt your own shit your a wolf to get your lazy ass up and get it yourself" i walk to the room and lay back down with him and i fall asleep with him.   

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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