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Jeongin sat on the couch staring boredly at the television. Jisung didn't know what was wrong but whatever it was had Jeongin acting extremely different. Jisung took a spot next to him and placed his head on his shoulder. They didn't talk at all. They just stared at the TV in silence. When the episode that Jeongin had been watching ended and moved on to the next, Jisung finally spoke. "What's wrong?"
Jeongin sighed loudly. "I keep thinking about my type of soulmate."
Jisung lifted his head and gave Jeongin a look of confusion. Jeongin never really talked about his soulmate. Only others. "What about them?"
Jeongin looked at his abdomen. A black Kangaroo. "I don't know. It's messing with me. Did you see Chris' tattoo?"
Jisung remebered it clearly. A purple fox. "Yeah."
"Didn't it remind you of someone?"
"Yeah, you."
"Exactly," Jeongin sighed. "To add to that, I now know that Chris' nickname is Kangaroo."
Jisung rubbed his neck as he thought. "So what's the problem?" Jisung asked.
Jeongin shrugged. "I'm just confused. I don't know what to think. Is he my type of person? Do I like him as a friend or nore?"
Jisung recalled the conversation he had with Minho few weeks ago. "Do you get butterflies? Minho told me when you like someone you get a flutter feeling in your stomach. I don't really know how to differeniate how you feel for him. Minho says that if your body reacts to them then theres a good chance you love them."
Jeongin rested his head on the back of the couch. He felt stupid. He guessed he'd just see how it went. It wasn't something he needed to worry too much about in the moment. School was far more important. Unlike Jisung, he hadn't perfect a single type of photography. No matter how much Jisung liked his work, he still had a long way to go.
"How are things with Minho?"
Jisung smiled and rubbed his leg. "Good. We talked about Tigers the other day so I got some inspiration for a painting. And he's really nice. I guess not having a lot of friends all my life is starting to show its effects. I don't understand the things he says sometimes. But he tells me it's fine. He explains it for me and even if I still don't get it, it makes me happy that he tries. I guess because the only other person I've met who does that is you."
Jeongin bumped his shoulder with Jisung's. "You are so in love. It's weird to see."
The artist laughed. "I know. It's even weirder to feel. I don't get it at all but something tells me it's right."
"Probably the tattoo," Jeongin stated. "You both match each other's tattoo's. You have a connection. Soulmates."
Jisung stared at his tattoo, occasionally rubbing his thumb over it. He never thought he'd actually find a soulmate. It was hard to believe that someone matched him. He was a mess in the mind. He kept himself pretty composed on the outside, but it was almost too much. Many had called him a robot at times because all he did was paint and stay in his room.
It was a lot different in Australia though. He wasn't as robotic. He felt like people actually liked him. It was a feeling he knew how to describe. It was happiness.
Jisung pulled out his phone when it beeped. Minho had texted him asking if he could go to the zoo and see him.
Jeongin yawned obnoxiously and stood up, telling the artist he was going to work on a project that was due soon. Jisung said he would go out. The photographer waved his hand in goodbye.
Just like every other visit, Jisung got off the bus stop a few blocks away from the zoo and walked quickly. He was excited to see Minho. When he arrived at the Quokka exhibit, he saw Minho feeding the animals. He spotted Jisung a bit later and waved, holding up his index finger to tell him he'd only be a second. Minho dissapeared into the back for a minute before coming back with a small box.
Jisung gave the box in Minho's hand a blank stare as soon as the keeper was standing in front of him. It had small holes on the sides. It kind of looked like one you'd get from a pet shop. "What's this?"
"I got you a present," said Minho as he walked toward their bench. He set the box down gently, then looked to Jisung. "Open it up."
Jisung did so reluctantly, eyes narrowing in fear. What if it was a bug and it jumped out at him? The top slowly folded outward and what Jisung saw inside shocked him. It wasn't a bug. He reached in and picked up a small ball of fur. It was a baby bunny. Jisung stared at it silently. The baby bunny was sleeping, nuzzling itself into Jisung's hand and twitching its nose. Jisung had never had a pet before. Why was Minho suddenly giving him a bunny? He turned to Minho for an explanation.
"We had a batch of baby bunnies born but a few got really sick. This one in particular is very fragile. We could keep her here and help her but she wouldn't ever be released back out into the wild and there's a big possibility she'll get hurt with the other rabbits. I asked if I could find her a family and the zoo agreed. I thought you might want to take care of her," Minho said.
Jisung looked back to the bunny, rubbing its feet gently. It was so fuzzy. Jisung hadn't ever held something so fragile and adorable before. The baby bunny fit in the palm of his hand perfectly. It's colors were pretty too; a solid white with black toes on her feet.
"Does she have a name?" Jisung asked.
Jisung nodded and continued to stroke it gently. He wasn't sure if he could take care of it well. But then again, he had Jeongin to help when he was away. Tundra, huh? Jisung held the bunny closer to his chest, pressing his nose into Tundra's fur. Tundra's were known for being the coldest biome. It didn't make sense for a bunny to be named after something so cold. It was warm and fluffy. Still, he liked it.
"Who named her?"
"Chris did. He always names the new animals since he's the one helping them into the world. He's our veterinarian,' Minho stated.
Jisung smiled. "Do you think Cedar will get along with her?"
Minho tilted his head at the idea. "I haven't thought about it. Maybe. We could introduce them at my place tomorrow if you want to come over."
Jisung remembered something Minho had said on their first date. He smiled. "Can I bring my paints? I've had an idea for something lately."
Minho debated the question before ruffling Jisung's hair. "Sure. Why not."
Jisung continued petting Tundra with a happy hum. He was excited to go to Minho's place for many reasons.

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