What if Greta Was the Founding Titan: Part 5

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"Greta, you don't have to do this. Please, don't do this." Eren begged. My older brother rushed to me with tears in his eyes. I fell to my knees and began to shake uncontrollably, and it all became clear what I had done. I put the entire world in danger because of my rage and thirst for vengeance. The world was about to be flattened under my feet, literally.

"Eren... I can't stop... I don't think I want to stop." I sobbed. "The world needs to be punished for hurting our people... it needs to burn in hell," I growled with clenched teeth.

On my brother's face, I saw a look of terror. "Greta?" "Eren, I've already started the Rumbling. I can't stop once I've started." an insane smile formed on my face. This was the moment when I realized I was genuinely breaking from reality.

"Find the will to stop, I beg you!" Eren grabbed my shoulders as if to snap me back to reality. I smiled in a daze, and I looked at him with a blank expression. "What's there to stop, big brother?"


"NO!!" I screamed ferally.

"It was the people of Marley who killed our parents, Eren. Mom and Dad are dead because of them. I'm going to destroy all who hate us!" another insane giggle escaped my lips. "Why should we have to sit here and take it? I'm going to do exactly what they did to us. See how they like it."

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