Chapter 10 : Crumbling Facades

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Billie manages to find a taxi and gets home. Frank walks up to her." Where were you ? Anitta, call Hillary and Miles, they don't need to look for her anymore." He tells his wife before continuing lecturing Billie. "We called you many times but you didn't answer!"

"I'm sorry phone...he died.." Billie sits down on the stairs and cries. Anitta comes running in the living room.

"Why is she crying ?" she asks Frank. He shrugs. "Why are you crying Billie? What happened ,Billie ?"

Billie covers her face. "I'm sorry, I should have called...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry mom.."

Anitta and Frank look at each other worried. "It''s okay sweetie,calm down. We were just worried for you,we're not mad."

"Can I... go to bed ?" Billie wipes her tears and walks up to her room. Once she enters she pauses for a while before locking the door. She directs herself on her bed and lays down. Her eyes begin to overflow with tears. So much that she passes out on her bed.


Leonardo walks out of the place and hops in his car. He wanders around for a few minutes before passing through a tunnel.

 He wanders around for a few minutes before passing through a tunnel

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He double-checks to his right before stopping the car. A boy is lying on the sidewalk, facing the ceiling of the tunnel. Leonardo stands next to him. " You didn't get far.." he says in a calm voice.

The boy turns his head looking at Leonardo's tall figure. He chuckles sadly. " Yeah.." he answers, looking back at the ceiling of the tunnel.

" Are you hurt, anywhere ?"

"I'll manage." says the kid. He lifts his sweatpant up to his knee and red liquid flows out of his calf that got a bullet in it. His ankle is swollen too.

Leonardo gets down on one knee and carefully examines the boy's leg." What are you going to do now Tiago ?" he adds.

" Dad's family is still sane I guess. Either way I can't stay in this city, at least for now, it's not safe for me."

Leonardo stands back up. " I'll find someone to take that bullet out of you and get you proper treatment. Then I'll drive us away from here." says Leo while patting his jacket. "Can you stand ?" he adds.

"Did zio send you to find me ?" Santiago struggles to get up while maintaining an amused grin. His expression becomes more serious as he realizes that his cousin didn't find his question amusing. "Leo, what's wrong ?"

"Yvonne sent me to find you." replies Leonardo, his face looking down. He shakes his hair before continuing. "She..She killed well as Feliciano. She's the new Boss now."

Santiago's breathing became shaky and uneven. He stared at Leonardo in disbelief. "W-What...?" He backs away from his cousin. "So ..So what now ? Y-You're going to betray me and send me to your new Boss ? How dare you use my trust for you against me."

"I would never betray you Santiago. You're more family than Yvonne could ever be to me, fra. Dad was killed by Yvonne, how can I align with a monster like her !" Santiago looks away from Leonardo, hiding the tears he was holding back. "Please get in the car, let me get you the care you need." says Leonardo referring to Santiago's bleeding calf. Santiago enters the car followed by his cousin. As he starts to drive, he glances at Santiago,through the rearview mirror. " I'm sorry for what happened to your girl."

"What happened to Billie ?" asks Santiago, finally looking at Leonardo. His voice tone is aggressive yet uneven making Leonardo question the words of Yvonne.

"You don't know ? Yvonne told us she died-"

"Her again ? Are you gonna stop believing everything that bitch has to say ? I saw Billie leave ! I told her to leave !" His tone was more aggressive than before. Leonardo shuts his mouth and the two ride in silence for a while. "Zio died because of me...I'm sorry." Santiago's voice cracks as he confesses.
Leonardo looks up at the mirror and nods acknowledging his cousin's words. His silent response makes Santiago's lips tremble and water starts to collect at the bottom lid of his eye. He shuts his eyes making tears flow down his bruised cheek bones while covering his mouth with his hands and looking to the side, pressing his elbow into his thigh.
Thinking of how he will never see his Uncle and Feliciano makes him sadder. And Billie–Oh Billie. Realizing he might never see her again makes him overflow with tears. So much that he passes out exhausted..

Santiago, where are you ? Thought Billie.

Billie, please don't forget me. Worried Santiago.

The End

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