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You were walking with your friends at universal studios and Jen suddenly you had to go to the rest room really bad.
"Hey guys ima go to the rest room really quick"you say.
"Ok we are going to be in the black phone scary tunnel thing"you friend said.
"Ok after I'm done I'll look for you guys in there"you say walking back.
"Ok bye"you friends says.
When you were done you washed your hand and then exited the rest room.
You texted your friends•hey I'm out the bathroom are you guys already in the black phone thing?•
•no we decided to wait for you•you grind replies with.
•ok I'm heading over there•you say.
When you got there you guys walked into the room.
You heard people behind you guys but you were to busy checking around you for jump scares.
(Btw you are a huge fan of the black phone)
"Omg where's robin"you said as a joke.
"Fr where is he"you friend says.
"Nah I'm trying to look for Bruce and finney"your other friend says laughing.
THEN suddenly someone dressed as the grabber jump scares you guys
"AHHHH"you yell going back.
You were falling but them someone catches you.
When you got up you turned around and it was MIGUEL.
"Omg thank you"you say covering your face of embarrassment.
"No your all good"Miguel says taking your hand and uncovering your face.
You look forward and your friend were already running away.
"Here stay with us"he says.
You look to his right and see mason and then his sister Brooke.
You were covering your face while he was hugging you.
(Idk how to explain it but you were covering your face while he was hugging you from behind)
While you guys were walking to the other room.
Another person as the grabber was yelling.
"HANG UP THE PHONE"the grabber yelled.
"AHH"you yell.
Miguel covers your face with his arm.
When you guys got to another room you seen a small statue of finney.
"Omg look"you said letting go.
He interlocked your guys finger and he walked with you to go see what you wanted to go see.
You were freaking out in the inside because I mena it was MIGUEL how could you not freak out.
You were looking at the black phone when someone jumped scared you.
You got cought off guard because the light were flickering.
I'm the last room max was laying on the ground.
You stepped over him and headed out the room.
When you did you were finally out side.
You seen your friend group all sitting in a bench waiting.
Your hands and Miguel's hands were still together but you didn't mind.
Then one of those tall
People started running towards you.
You turn around and Miguel hugs you laughing.
"Your all good it's gone"he says.
"Ok we'll thanks for like not letting me fall"you say starting to walk away.
"Oh hey if you want you can come with us"he says stopping you.
"Yea sure let me go tell my friends"you say.
"Hey guys yk robin"you say.
"Yea why what happened"you friend says.
"We'll that's him over there and he said I can hang out with him"you say jumping.
"OMG GO GO GO"your friends say pushing you.
"Ok ok see you guys later"you say waving.
"Ok I'm all done"you say walking back.
He takes out his hand and you just hold his hand.
You started talking to mason and Brooke just about what rides you guys should go on.
"So do you like scary movies?"Brooke says.
"Ehhh not really I just wanted to come here because I knew they were doing the black phone"you say.
You guys start to walk to a ride.
You guys sat down on the ride and put the seat belt thing on.
Then the rude started to go.
You were sitting next to mason at that time while Brooke and Miguel were behind you.
You guys started going down and you posed for a photo.
After the ride your hair was all messed up so Brooke helped you fix it.
"Can you tie my shoe"Miguel says facing you.
He puts his leg out and you kneel down and start to tie it.
"Ok thanks"he says after you were all done.
When you got up Miguel put his arm around your shoulder.
After a couple minutes you guys were sitting there eating some nachos.
Brooke and you were talking quien scrolling on tiktok laughing.
While Miguel and mason were on mason phone.
"Is this your snap(pretend you already told him your name)"
Miguel asks"yea it is"you say smilling.
After five minute Miguel turn to you and opens his mouth.
You picked up a nacho and fed it to him.


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