Bad news good news

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Author's note:

I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news first:

I've decided to end Right Place Right Time here. Yes, you read that correctly. They kiss in the cupboard and that's it, the end of the story.

The main reason I've done this is because it was going to be quite some time before I could write any more of this story. I have been given the chance to be involved in an exciting project that is going to take up a lot of time in my already insanely busy life, and while I will no doubt find the time to write here and there, there's no way I would be able to commit to updating regularly for the next couple of months.

I know that would annoy a lot people who look forward to regular updates, and I don't want to do that. I know I could put the story on hold, but I don't like the idea of doing that. I, for one, don't read stories that are on hold in case I get really into them, only to never find out what happens to characters I grow to care about.

I'm guessing that some of you will feel the plug has been pulled just when we've got to the good bit, but to me, Harry and Emma getting together does feel like something of a conclusion. Emma's day has worked out so much better than she ever expected, and she was right about those feelings she had about Harry liking her. He does - a lot! And she knows why he behaved the way he did at the club. So that's a wrap on that particular storyline.

To be honest, this was only ever meant to be a short book; it was originally written because I came to a huge stumbling block on another story I was working on and couldn't continue. Instead, the story of a fan coming to the aid of her crush just popped into my mind one day and it proved much easier to write than the other one. It was meant to finish after the chapter where Harry sang to Emma on stage. But I wanted to know what happened next so I kept writing, and I have kept going and going ever since. I haven't been able to help myself.

And that's where we come to the good news... Yes, I did say there would be some.

This may be the end of Right Place, Right Time, but it is not the end of Harry and Emma. There will be a sequel called Right Now (are you picking up on the theme at all?) and it carries on right from where I left off, with Harry and Emma snogging the faces off each other in the cupboard. They then embark on a tentative relationship that they agree to keep secret, so they can get to know each other without the entire world sticking its oar in.

However, keeping a relationship under the radar is not easy, especially when you are dating Harry Styles and the media watches his every move. Or when you've got people like eagle-eyed Jacinta hanging around. Hopefully you'll be amused by some of the lengths Harry and Emma go to get to know each other out of the public eye.

I have started writing Right Now, and I am really excited by it, but unfortunately, because I am so busy, it is going to be a while before I can start posting chapters. In fact in a few hours time I am getting on a plane to go overseas to work on this project for the next few weeks and I am going to have little or no internet access as well as no time to write anything.

So there's some more bad news - it's going to be quite a while before you can catch up with Emma and Harry. UPDATE: RIGHT NOW HAS BEEN POSTED, SEE MY PROFILE PAGE!

But wait, there's more good news (But no steak knives, sorry!)

Firstly, I am going to give you an excerpt from Right Now right now just to let you know what is in store. It's short, but hopefully sweet, and just enough to whet your appetite for more. It is the next chapter after this one.

Secondly, I've also added a bonus companion story to Right Place, Right Time, in which you will get a glimpse into Harry's point of view, and what was going through his mind when he met Emma. I've chosen quite a different style of writing for that, and hopefully it will provide lots of insights, and a handful of laughs. I've been having a good old chortle (I love that word) as I've been writing it. It is the chapter after the Right Now excerpt.

So once again, my apologies, but I think this will work for the best. I'd still love to know your thoughts about Right Place, Right Time, so please feel free to continue to comment on it. And a few gentle online nudges a few weeks down the track will probably help to inspire me to write faster and get Right Now up as soon as possible. Just don't bully me!

Thanks to everyone who has read, commented on and voted for Right Place, Right Time. Your support has meant a lot to me, and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!

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