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Next day

Beverly pov:

I put my homework away  I have an english test Monday but I've got the whole weekend (it's friday) I think I've studied enough for today.
My eyes move to the pictures on my wall. I smile I have  3 pictures, one of my mom and me, she died when I was young. I'm okay now but I like to think of her sometimes. I have one picture of all the losers. It's at the quarry we were going swimming. And i have one of just me and Ben, in his room. You can see the new kids on the block poster on his door, he has had that poster for like years already. I move my hand under my pillow and take out the postcard Ben gave me, I smile. I regret never making a move, but maybe its not too late. Its a haiku. I look at my moms picture, she used to write haiku's. She taught me it ones I think. You have 5 syllables then 7 then 5 again, but Ben's is 5 then 6 then 5.i like that pattern a lot  it's a little different. I get an idea  I'm going to write a haiku back. I might be late but better late then never.
I wanna write lika response, something similar to his, I read it.
"Hair like winter fire
January embers
My heart burns there too"

I smile and blush.
It's the best thing someone ever wrote to me.
I wrote down some words I might use

Blue eyes   sky   lake   rain    hair   heart    fall  spring

After 15 minutes of trying things I come up with:"eyes like, a spring lake,
October waterdrops,
My heart sails there too.

I'm pretty proud of it, im not a writer but for a a mature it's okay. I look at all the scrabled papers I used and trew away :" blue eyes like a lake
Like October leaves
My heart swims there too"
And more but it all sounds dumb.
But this is good. I have a unused postcard somewhere, wait let me find it. Yes right here I grab it off my desk and in my best handwriting I write:"eyes like a spring lake
October waterdrops
My heart sails there too" I smile, I'll put it in his bag tomorrow after we're watching that movie. I put my headphones on and just dream away.

"So baby close your eyes the way you look at me you got me mesmerised something I can't escape feel like im lost in space" A-wall sings

Ben is awesome:)

Stanley pov:

I just biked home with Bill and now we're just talking, he's talking about coming out to his parents; I do-dont think they're hoh-homofobic, they pro-probaly won't even c-care. Since g-g-geh-Georgie thu-they never cah-care about anything ah-anymore, it's like they foh-forgot they still hah-have a s-son, y-you know.
I feel so bad for him, it has been about 3 years almost 4 since Georgie died. Nothing has been the same. That's understandable ofcourse but it has been a while. That must be horrible Bill, you know you can always talk to me, right? Whenever you want. And you dont have to come out, that must be super scary so take all the time you need, you don't owe anyone anything:) I'm already proud if you for telling us. T-tha-thank you Stanley. Bill smiles, y-youre ama-amazing. Can you s-stay with m-me when I t-tell them? Ofcourse i say smiling at him, you got it! When do you want to tell them? I-in like a few days I  wah-want time to think about wh-what to say.
That's smart, I hug him, I normally don't like hugs but I like hugging Bill, he is my best friend (and mike) but I don't know if i like Bill as a friend or more But I try not to think about that yoo much. My parents would hate me. They do t support the lgbtq. And I have my entire life planned already. I'll get married, get 2 kids, maybe a dog, ill get a good job. I'll die very old. Of a sickness or something. And I will not have a boyfriend. I'm Stan and I'm straight. I look at him, you'll be alright. Call me if you need help? I-i will tha-thank you i-ill see you to-tomorrow.
See you tomorrow big Bill.
He smiles at the nickname.
I cant help but smile too, his smile is adorable (no homo)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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