A week later

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(Shizuo's POV)
Its been about a week since the last meet and since the last time I saw the vampire king. It was setting me on edge, I was getting pissed off by the fact that no one has seen him recently.
Why can't he just come out of hiding and face me like a...man.
Of course I was getting ahead of myself. I needed to figure out how or what I was going to do with this mysterious monster.
I let a low growl leak out of my throat, how can I let such a person..well monster push at me without him doing anything!?
The town had been a little too silent, during the night shifts, no one has been walking around after the sun sets. No one has been able even see a vampire, everything is all different. Its just terrible.
But I had a good yet bad feeling about tonight. I couldn't quite figure out why, it bugged me a bit, but I hope I at least run into one vampire. I have so much anger shoved down and I need a person who's heart stopped beating to take it out on.
(Izaya's POV)
For the past few nights I had kept my little army of vampires in hiding. Not letting them go anywhere into the town. Messing with the hunters, keeping them up, making them fill with fear and worry. Haha I love messing with my beloved humans.
Tonight however I was going to let them roam where ever they pleased as long as they stayed away from the brute of a priest. I need him to stay energized so I could have my fun. And I couldn't wait any longer, I needed to mess with him tonight.
Later that night
(Third person POV)
The blonde priest walked the streets of the small town. All was silent except the crunching of dead leaves beneath his feet. Slowly and softly he let out a sigh, the night seemed to drag on to the tall man.
There was a gentle breeze blowing through the almost still branches of the trees. By the scent of the air it was easy to tell that it would rain soon, the air turned cold and damp.
Izaya stepped out from a few bushes and pushed up behind the strong man, whispering to him "Shizu-chan~"
The man tensed up, not liking the fact that the raven had touched him, pissed by it. He turned around to punch the one he called a flea but he jumped back in time. "Are you ready to die you fucking louse?" The blonde hissed under his breath.
"Oh well that'd be hard" the small man smirked "Since I'm already dead"
(Izaya's POV)
Shizuo was so easy to piss off just like I had hoped. When I pressed up against his body and felt his muscles tighten and his heart race, it brought pleasure to me. It made a shiver move down my spine, I need more.
He tried to hit me but I ended up jumping back, able to map out his motions before he even moved.
I hadn't eaten for...I have no clue how long so my strength isn't too good. But I should be able to go against a pathetic beautiful human like him.
I'll update it more later. Sorta have writers block right now, sorry for not doing updates lately.

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