A challenge

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" Ana, I have to go now but you have to be strong my daughter,I know that you are going to face many pain's and at that time I can't support you ,I told you that I will give you a gift that was the truth of your life ana ....

You are grimwar a great dragons power and there are many angels and devil's who wants it they will kill you for that ... don't trust anybody,the person whom you trust the most will kill you, if the power gone in wrong hands then this universe is going to end,Ana be aware of ................

(After that the letter ends with blood marks) ana closed the letter and say" it's the last thing I found in that room , first I can't understand anything but when after that I see some dark shadows approaching me someday, I hear that same word from his mouth - grimwar...."

In the parellel universe there a great meeting organised in ' Azura ' where the most powerful dragons and kings of angels were invited . They all were talking about why master Era suddenly held this meeting after millions of years. King of angels Max and crown prince Alex also attend this meeting.

Then master Era appears with great light after that all angels gives a standing ovation to them. Era says " you all were thinking that why I call you here well the time has came ,the last chance of getting grimwar ".

After that the whole angel were shocked and they all stood up and start saying that" this time they will get the grimwar''. Master Era smiles and say " yes , after a wait of millions of years, now we have the chance to be the greatest dragon and I will give that chance to everyone equally... today's the day when  we are bringing grimwar here"

Then a old angel stood up and say '' sorry master Era, but you only invite the light powers , darks are also dragons don't you think that we should invite them...." Suddenly Era gives a angry stare to old man and say loudly....

"They are not darks, they are devil's do you want we gave a great power to Devil , specially the rular of hell deamon like Death" then suddenly a dark smokes cover whole Azura planet, there were big red thundershocks in the sky , A deep cold  voice came from dark....

" I think someone is missing me " after that voice Max waves his hand with magic ,all dark smoke dissapeared then they see a man with red long hair , his purple eyes are filled with thunderstorms , he wears a red royal suit and a emotionless cold expression on his face says " master, it  took 0.25 seconds to arrive here from Kalos (planet of darks), sorry for late " .

Alex say with a shocking face to Max " who is he , Kalos is in the end corner of the universe ,how can he arrive here so fast??" Then Max reply" he is 'Rez' the fastest person on multiverse and also the main servant of Death" then Alex says " what ! Death''

Everyone is shocked Rez step aside and they saw a person with black hairs and burning red eyes he's death, he comes close to master Era and says with a smile" how can you miss your old friend to invite" .

Then master Era say with a angry face  " friend , I am not a friend of a devil like you , angels kill him" . Then a bunch of angels stood up and combine their magic powers and do a big light fire ball attack but when the fire ball is coming to death he absorbed all the fire in his eyes and his eyes became dark red , their whole body stops moving and they all can see a big dark dragon in death eyes .

Then death see master Era and say with a angry stare " do you really want a fight against me''. Then Max go between them and say" we are here for a meeting not for a war ......and if you want a war ( his eyes start glowing ) then attack me" then death smirked and say " you are a clever one " .

Max says master Era" master it's a great meeting you held, in this moment a war is not suitable, you should stop he is just teasing you" then death sit on Master era royal chair and say with a smile" I think you should listen to your student angry old man".

Then master Era stay calm and say " now it's time to bring grimwar , she is just a mere human girl , there's no chance that she can attack us'' then Rez say to death" A mere human girl , how disappointing ,master you came here all the way for that" then death replies" I don't have anything to do with that girl, I am here just for grimwar" .

Then master Era comes close to Max and whisper " Max , when that girl came here you just take her and go to the safe magic circle , the angels and I try to stop death , if death approaches her first then I don't think we have a second chance" .

After that master Era starts his magic portal and Max and death they both are ready , who would take grimwar first and when master Era finish the magic spells and they say " so , this is the time..........."

But nothing came from that portal , all the angels and death are shocked Max and Alex say " what happened master??" Master Era shockingly replies" I don't know, I say the spells correct but I am unable to find the location of Grimwar , something is stopping me" .

Then suddenly a sword came from that portal with full strength and it hit at master Era chair just besides death face , Rez is shocked that death is smiling after that ,death sees a letter written on that sword and he say loudly " if you want me then try to catch me first". 

Master Era says with a angry face" what! A mere human is challenging us, how can this happen". Then death stand up and say with a smile " I think you are wrong about that girl , you are getting old check your eyesight first." After that Rez covered death with magic and they both disappeared. Alex smile and say" that girl is quite interesting".

Death comes to his planet kalos with  that sword and fighting with it , after seeing that Rez asked" master I never see you smiling like that , it is because of that girl?" then death smirked and say " she dare to challange death again ,at first I...

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Death comes to his planet kalos with  that sword and fighting with it , after seeing that Rez asked" master I never see you smiling like that , it is because of that girl?" then death smirked and say " she dare to challange death again ,at first I only want grimwar but now( then death eyes became red and that sword is burning) I want that girl .

Death comes to his planet kalos with  that sword and fighting with it , after seeing that Rez asked" master I never see you smiling like that , it is because of that girl?" then death smirked and say " she dare to challange death again ,at first I...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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