🌒 Tag fest!

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Before you run away from this chapter, don't worry! We know how annoying some tag fests can be, when you suddenly get tagged from a user you've never seen before, and then desperately try to find your username in the mountain of others for hours to no end. So we decided to do this a bit differently!

This is a completely OPTIONAL thing. We wanted it to be a fun side activity that you can partake in if you want to, but you're not obliged to. There won't be any winners; this is just for discovery and fun! We'll have some little questions for you, and if you want to, you can tag the authors that fit them! 

Once again, this is only here as a fun way to give a little shoutout to some of your friends and beloved Wattpad authors, and maybe give them a chance to discover us! And if you stumbled here because you got a surprise tag, hi! Hope you enjoy this little game!

Tag your best friend on Wattpad!

Tag someone who writes the same genre as you!

Tag the author of the last book you're read on Wattpad!

Tag your favorite Historical Fiction writer!

Tag someone whose username starts with the same letter as yours!

Tag someone whose username starts with the last name of yours!

Tag the author who created your favorite Wattpad character!

Tag someone who writes your favorite trope!

Tag the author whose ships never fail to make you swoon!

Tag your favorite Horror writer!

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