Part 26

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"Your really that desperate?" Vecna walked over to you. "Just get it over with you asshole.." you mumbled. "No," he said and you woke up, Eddie was sleeping so he didn't see what happened. You got up and went to the rooftop and lit a cigarette. You soon after felt a hand on your shoulder. "Mind if I join you?" Billy sat next to you. You lit his cigarette and just looked into the distance. "I was in the trance again. But this time it was different. I gave up and told Vecna to kill me, and he refused. He said I was "too desperate" and woke me up.." you said still looking into the distance.  "Shit, I'm sorry Y/n. Tomorrow isn't going to be amazing at all, but we'll get through it..I promise you'll be ok" Billy hugged you and helped you fall asleep, then brought you inside and tucked you in next to your lover. After around 2 hours of sleep you woke up to everyone getting ready and preparing the weapons and themselves. You walked down the stairs to everyone reading the letters you gave them and were all crying. Everyone ran and hugged you. "Jeez, you guys are a bunch of emotional pussys. You'll see me in hell soon!" You joked. They laughed and wiped their tears. "This is the last day we have you, Y/n" Dustin remembered. "No it's not. She'll be perfectly fine" Eddie stated. Robin and Nancy sighed. Steve hugged you and slightly laughed. "What's so funny Harrington?" You asked. "Just thinking about us saying we would always have the 6 little nuggets, we were always so corny it was scary" he laughed a bit more, and you joined in. "Omg yeah! That was so weird!" You laughed more. Everyone laughed with you guys and you spent a few hours dancing and singing. "Let's play a game!" You said. "Ok, what game?" Lucas replied. "Hm...How about kiss marry smash?" You asked. Everyone agreed and sat in somewhat a circle. "Y/n. Kiss marry smash Gareth, Peter, and Steve" Max asked. "Oooo good one! Hm..marry Steve, kiss Gareth, and probably smash peter I guess?" You answered.  Eddie seemed to get jealous. "Alrighty then. Eddie kiss marry smash Nancy, Robin, and Angela" El asked. "Kiss Angela, marry Nancy, and smash robin" he replied. There was a few more rounds until you called out, "let's drink assholes! Or get high-" and Eddie disagreed instantly. "Too late, I already know where everything is!" You get up and grabbed the drinks and Eddie's stash. You sat down and opened the box. "Y/n this isn't a good idea I don't know about this-" "Come on Ed's, we'll be fine!!" You laughed as you took some of the stash and sn0rt3d it. Max and Billy were surprised that you knew how to do it. "Did you do this before?" Max asked, "ofc I did. What kind of question is that?" You groaned as you took more. "Love that's enough" Eddie pulled the stash away as argyle took some too, same with Robin and somewhat Gareth. "Guys that's all for a while now" Steve claimed. "You're no fun boys" you whined. "Ya know, Y/n, doing stuff like that drains your powers. We don't want that for tomorrow do we?" Peter reminded you. You sighed and plopped onto the couch, missing it and hitting your head. "Shoot are you ok love?!" Eddie rushed over to you, and you started laughing. "Really Y/n?" He sighed in relief. "You should've seen your face!!" You laughed a bit more. "I love you Ed's" You smiled. "I love you too." He said back, giving you a kiss on the head and helping you up.
-time skip to the afternoon-
It was amazingly hot outside and Steve's air conditioning broke. All of you were outside in or by the pool. "You're supposed to be wealthy, Steve. Why can't you have your air conditioning fixed like right now?!" Robin and most of you whined. "I know, I know! I'm hot too but everything is closed for today" he replied as he made drinks for everyone. "Can I try to fix it? It's worth a shot at least" Jonathan asked as Steve took him and basically dragged him to the conditioning. Jonathan tried to fix it, but only made things worse. "Oh my god I'm actually going to fucking kill you!!" You started to yell at him. Jonathan got up and just ran back outside as you ran after him. "BYERS GET BACK HERE IM GOING TO DROWN YOU!!" You screamed as you pushed him into the pool. Eddie screamed which got everyone's attention. "What?! Is everything ok?" You looked up at him. "Eddie, you ok?" You asked again as he didn't answer the first time. You got up of the pool as you noticed everyone was gone. "Guys? Come on this isn't funny anymore," You sighed and sat down on the grass. "I'm not even going to try anymore. Vecna I already said that you can fucking take me," You sighed and relaxed. "Y/n? What are you doing?" Eddie asked. "I already fucking told you, just come get me" You shrugged. You were in a trance, but they can hear you this time. "What do you mean love. You're making no sense!" He laughed. You got up and saw vecna. But in reality, it was Eddie, but obviously vecna was playing with you. "Omg you asshole I said come fucking get me instead of just standing there!!" You grabbed onto "vecnas" neck. "What are you doing?!" Eddie said trying to get you to let go. "What am I doing? I'm fed up of you just doing this to me all the damn time. So it's either kill me or don't kill me and let me be!" You started to tighten your grip, starting to choke Eddie. "What the...Y/n let go!!" He yelled. He then realized what was going on. You're eyes were white and you were pale. "Shit..She's in her trance. Get her music!" He yelled struggling to losen your grip. Steve immediately ran inside and got your music. "Yeah. I can fucking do this too you asshole!!" You screamed. "Shit, she's not even scared anymore" Nancy stood there worried. Steve ran back outside and put your music on, blasting it into your ears. You heard the music but you didn't want to leave yet. "Not yet. Not until I finish you first.." you smiled and you're grip got tighter and your hands started to bleed. "Y/N LET GO!! ITS NOT VECNA, ITS EDDIE! LET GO!!" Robin and Steve screamed for you to stop. "What? You turned to see the reality faintly. "Shit.." you turned back and let go. Vecna dragged you by your hair. "LET GO!!" You screamed as you used your powers to fling vecna away from you and you started to run. You ran back into reality and hugged Eddie. "Eddie, shit are you okay? I'm so fucking sorry for doing that. I didn't mean to I just-" Eddie kissed you. "Love, you were protecting yourself. It's ok, I understand why you did it" he laughed slightly. "Let's get inside and clean you up a bit" you helped him up and headed into the room you were staying in and into the restroom. "Here, thing might sting a little" You said as you grabbed a wipe and cleaned the blood off his neck. He flinched and gripped onto your waist. "It's ok, I know it stings," You sighed as you finished and cleaned yourself with the wipes, showing no emotion to it. "Why doesn't it sting for you?!" He said, standing next to you. "Because, I'm used to it by now. Brenner used them a lot, just wore ones" You slightly smiled and threw the wipe away. "Are you happy about tomorrow?" He asked. You froze. You forgot all about tomorrow. Possibly the day you die. "Oh uhm..I don't know. It's kind of scary thinking about it," You replied. Eddie understood that. He didn't want to risk anything happening to you. "I get that, we're all scared. We can do this though" he hugged you. "What, you pregnant or some shit?" Billy walked in. "Ew no. We're just talking about tomorrow.." you said. "Oh yeah, tomorrow. It will all be ok Y/n. We will get through it and make sure that asshole dies" he hugged you. "Come outside. We're having a bon fire" he said and went back outside. "Are you sure I'll be ok?" You asked Eddie. "I'm sure. I've got plans-" "Eddie, we already talked about those plans. You know I already said we aren't doing that. I'd rather not be ok than anything happen to you or anyone else" you started getting angry. "Let's just head outside, shall we?" He grabbed your hand and walked outside.

                  -to be continued-

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