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Lightbulb:hey Painty! How's It going?
Painty:oh great! .....hey you don't seem so cheerful.. what's wrong..?
Lightbulb:... *shoot.* oh! No- nothing!! I just Stayed awake because I kept hearing things!
Painty:you sure..?
Lightbulb:yeah. Im fine Painty!
*lightbulb leaves painty's room and goes to bow (act as if she didn't die-)*
Bow:omg Hi lightbulb!
Lightbulb:hi bow! Say could I... tell you something?
Bow:yeah sure what is it!
Lightbulb:I've been feeling....... Suicidal...
Bow:oh........well Follow me I'll get you a drink!
*she got lightbulb a drink and they both sat down*
Lightbulb:*sigh* so Any thing that could make me feel better about myself?
Bow:I recommended You just do it I mean nobody cares! Not even any of your friends! They probably want you to bang yourself anyways.
Lightbulb:w-what......? No my friends care! Painty cares!!
Bow:Well let's go on a walk
*5 minutes*
Lightbulb:Oh why are we walking near The Rock cliff
Bow:it has lots of rope! Here *holds rope out to lightbulb* take it!
Lightbulb:I'm going home.... Thanks....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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