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Mister_Rageanimals bring beans together<3

No ones POV:

     "WE'RE OVER!"Mishap yelled,just finding out that Numpty was on Tinder."NO,PLEASE!WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WITH FLUFFY?"Fluffy being the pet guniea pig."I-WE'LL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT.JUST-LEAVE!" "NO!IM NOT LEAVING FLUFFY!" "OH,SO THATS ALL YOU CARE ABOUT!?UGH,FINE STAY."Mishap sat down,punching Numpty."OW-I-deserved that..."He went to go feed his guniea pig,tears forming his eyes."Ugh,I wish I didn't do that.I don't wanna lose you,Fluffy."He whispered to the tiny little unknowing guniea pig.He then walked to his and Mishap's room,and starts to sob silentley.Meanwhile,Mishap is staring at his phone which shows Numpty's Tinder."What even-"He presses the account."I still can't believe he would do this."He thought about it for a while.


     Numpty wakes up one morning to go feed Fluffy,what he finds wasn't what he excpected at all.Fluffy wasn't breathing.Numpty panicked,"MISHAP!"He yelled,waking up the aggrivated bean."What is i-WHAT HAPPEND!?"He ran up to the cage.The guniea pig died because he hadn't drank anything since he and Mishap broke up."I-I FORGOT TO GIVE HIM SOMETHING TO DRINK!" "I-I'll go get the shovel..."Mishap left with gloves on,holding Fluffy,tears forming his eyes.He brought the dead fluffball into the backyard,dug him up,and put a rose down for him."You're in a better place now,buddy."

Mishap's POV:

     Numpty hasn't been talking to me lately."Good morning,a--hole."He just ignores me instead of saying,"Shut up b---h!"or something like that.He sits down on the couch,tears in his eyes,but not falling onto his cheeks.I sat down next to him,looking at him conserned[I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL IT :skull:]" okay?" "Yea..." "I'm being serious.Are you okay." "I'm-I'm fine..." "ANSWER ME." "Okay,okay!I'm...deppresed." "Now's not the time for self-diagnosis." "It isn't self-diagnosis.I have the paper hidden in our room." "...oh..." "Yea..ever since Fluffy died...." "Well,I'm sorry...I shouldn't have been so rude the past few weeks,I didn't know you were going through this." "Thanks for the apology,I also uninstalled Tinder for you." "Thank you.I love you." "I-I love you too..."He said,his voice breaking while the tears fall down his cheeks."So,we're back together then?"I thought about it for a minute or two.


Hope you liked this!I actually loved it;-;it was fun to write.

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