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"He's mine" is all I can think about, all I can see, all I can say, the only thing on my mind.

I'm on his lap as we make out and he stops, looks in my eyes and say "I love you y/n and always will." He continues to kiss me while moving his hands down my body and slowly going back up but under my skirt. He stops and says "we'll finish this at my house" I'm sad and I want more from him but I node kiss him and walk out of the empty class room we're in and head to class.

Fast forward
He carries me up stairs to his room as he kisses me, then places me on his bed "can I undress u baby" he asks like he always dose. I nod, he begins to un button my shirt and kiss me from my neck down. I love it when he dose that he's gentle as he moves his hand under my skirt and fingers me while we make out. He stops and Ik what he wants I sit up and start to unbuckle his pants he stops me and says "baby I got this sit back and let me give u pleasure, you deserve it after having to wait all day" I smile. He unbuckles his pants and pulls them down with his boxers. He slides it in gently and slowly and hits my g spot I let out a moan and he smiles at me "I love you y/n" and he starts to thrust
into me slowly and starts to speed up which is my weakness. I'm moaning louder and louder the faster he goes. "Im close" I manage to say in-between moans "I am too"he says speeding up. That's all I remember before we fell asleep

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