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2 months ago
"YOU ARE NOT ALOUD TO DATE" my father yells. "But I'm 17 about to be 18, I'm almost an adult" I say with tears in my eyes bc I know better then to argue. He slaps me hard "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SLUT" he yells. I'm crying hard while picking up my phone and dialing his number. "H-hello" I say trying to hold back the tears that have already started, but he can tell he knows and all he says is "Im on my way princess." I walk out the door as my father continues to yell, my mother walks right pass me and says nothing.  He pulls up gets out and immediately pulls me in to his warmth. I brake, I'm sobbing, "I have no where to go" I say looking up at him as tears roll down my face. "You'll stay with me my love, we'll go to school like normal but you'll come home with me." He says then kisses my head.

1 hour later
I don't know where I am I try not to scream. He walks in from the bathroom. "Good morning sunshine you fell asleep so we didn't go to school" I sit up and I'm sore my body aches. He climbs in bed and wrap his hands around me I fall right back to sleep from his warm embrace.

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