Chapter 2: Steve

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The week passed quickly. Steve was working on a new graphic design for one of his favorite clients, and Bucky was busy with the initial stages of planning a conference for the nonprofit he worked for.

Steve and Charlie exchanged a few texts arranging the details for Saturday. Apparently, during their walk, Bucky and Nicky had drunkenly exchanged phone numbers and they seemed to text a bit more frequently. About what, Steve wasn't sure, but he was just grateful they hit it off so well.

Nat sent a string of texts to both Steve and Bucky throughout the week starting with excitement and shock that they agreed so easily, slowly morphing into hesitancy, and then downright panic as the week wore on.

This ultimately culminated in Steve and Bucky having to call her on Friday night to tell her there was no way she could back out now. First, because their new friends had agreed to come so they needed all four of Nat's tickets, but second because Nat really just needed to stop getting in her own way when it came to dating.

Saturday rolled around and based on the leather-dress adorned selfie Steve and Bucky received in their group chat with Nat, it seemed like she was still going through with the plans.

They Ubered to the venue and found a line snaking around the block. Just as Steve went to text Charlie, they saw them about a quarter of the way from the end of the line. They walked up to them and after some stumbling apologies from Steve and heartfelt, charming thanks from Bucky, they were able to cut the line to join them.

"Well, don't you two look dashing" Nicky said, eyeing Bucky and Steve up and down.

Nicky himself was wearing a brown leather jacket over a white button down, open at the neck to show a slim gold chain necklace. Steve wasn't sure if he missed it when they met for brunch, but he was also now wearing a gold hoop earring in one ear.

Charlie was wearing a black peacoat over a heather gray button down and looked like he could either be going to work or to a swanky club.

Steve wasn't sure of the dress code for the venue, since all Nat would text back when pressed was look hot followed equally unhelpfully by but you always do, don't you darling.

Steve ended up wearing a v neck, teal sweater over dark wash jeans, and Bucky, never caring what he was expected to wear, was wearing a bomber jacket over a short sleeve gray button down, unbuttoned several buttons, over purple slim-cut chinos. He was also wearing a choker and had applied charcoal eyeliner making his brown eyes nearly iridescent in the street lights. Steve thought he looked fine, but Bucky really did look gorgeous.

"Thanks, you do too," Bucky said, blowing Nicky a sassy kiss.

Nicky and Bucky immediately slid into a conversation that was clearly being continued from over text. Steve stumbled a little in starting conversation with Charlie, attempting to ask him how work was, "boring" if they'd done anything fun that week, "I tried a new workout regime, does that count?" and finally landing on a successful topic when Charlie asked Steve about the new project he was working on.

They spent the next 20 minutes moving up in line as Steve animatedly explained his design ideas with Charlie paying rapt attention. He asked questions and engaged much more than Steve got from even Bucky. It turned out Charlie had a soft spot for art and the creative process, even though he openly admitted, "I am about as creative as a rock."

When they finally got inside, Bucky and Nicky made a mad dash for the bar, tossing their coats at their boyfriends to check with the coat attendant stationed, helpfully, right next to the door. Steve would have to find a way to send a note to the owner of the new bar that this was a great design.

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