chapter 1.

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Narrator: There was a lady, she lived in the woods into a tiny town.. She had a Daughter named 'rose' but The lady Called her ' my little Rosie' the women's name was " Maria Hernandez" she had a Job At the Office, Which meant her daughter Rose was all Alone At home, It seemed normal for her.. Welcome to the story,

- rose Playing with her Toys giggling of joy-

Maria: Darling!! Lunch time,

Rose: ok mummy!

Narrator: There she is.. Little Rosie, today is her 7th birthday, She grows so fast,

Maria: are you ready for you're birthday my Little Rosie?

rose: mom!!! I'm a big girl now, you can't call me that!!

- Maria Chuckled -

Maria: not yet Dear, not yet!

Rose: awh.. When will I get bigger just like you?

Maria: few more years Rosie, Then you will be a big girl!

Rose: Ah..Ok Mommy!!

Rose: what are we having?

Maria: Hmm, Maybe pancakes well..
Whatever you would like ' birthday girl '

Rose: Yay!!

Maria: Let's take a few Pictures..
Smile love!

*rose smiles happily*

Rose: So.. Is my Best friend Francine coming over?

*Maria goes Quiet and Grunts*

Maria: Dear.. Stop talking about that girl, she does not exist at all... do you need to see Dr. Maddie?

Rose:No mommy.. But really! Francine exist's, she visits me at night everyday just yesterday she said she liked my shoes! She even plays with me!!

Maria: Ghosts and imagination friends don't exist dear, stop fooling around

Rose: whatever! I want pancakes

Maria: Don't give me that sass on you're birthday!
Francine Does not exist and you must deal with that

Rose: fine! well are any of my Actual friends That Don't even play with me are coming?

Maria: I only invited Gabriel and Josephine
But.. they said they would try to make it,

Rose: I'm not even sure if they are my friends, they made fun of Francine and They laughed at me at school on Saturday

Maria: Stop Fooling around I said!!! Francine will never Be real!

Rose: Francine hates you, she thinks that you don't like her cuz you don't have no friends yourself!

* Maria goes Quiet *



Rose: No! Im gonna go outside in the woods to play with Francine!

* Rose walks out the door *

Maria: that little b---
I will take her to Dr. Maddie she needs serious help if she thinks Some girl Named 'Francine'  exist's

Rose: I cannot believe She said that about you Francine!

Francine's spirit: Yes.. it hurted me alot

Rose: my mother don't understand that you're real!

Maria: ROSE get you're Ass in here!!
We're going to See Dr. Maddie, say goodbye to that ghost b--- Francine, You soon will see that there is no such thing as a ghost!

Rose: NO NO!!!

Narrator: They drove away.. Well,
It's her birthday.. she's a horrible mother to me

*In the doctor's room*

Dr Maddie: Well, hello there Ms. Maria what seems to be the problem?

Maria: hello sir.. my doctor Seems to think there is a girl named Francine that plays with her, when ghosts aren't even real, she needs help

Dr Maddie: You know Ms. Maria, Ghosts can be real and so Can Imaginary friends too, So You never know if you're little Rosie here has been seeing another girl named Francine,

Maria: impossible!, you need help too?

Dr Maddie: I'm the Professional here, so I suggest you shut up and listen to me Ms. Maria, I speak the truth and only that.. So Yes ghosts can be real and so Are imaginary Friends, and she's a child Ms. Maria, kids can have friends that You don't see,

Maria: Smh.. Fine, If you don't Believe me...I suggest I find another doctor that's atleast Helpful and not a lunatic like you!

Dr Maddie: Ms Maria, The doctor would say the same thing!

Maria: I don't believe that there is a thing such as ghosts or ghost friends, it's impossible.. When I was a kid We did not have this kind of stuff,

Dr Maddie: I'm a professional! And I'm the only choice, I'm the Doctor here, and you can't get another.. So I suggest you sit down and atleast listen to what I have to say, I will just Wait until next week and if You meet Francine, there is nothing wrong with rose, and if you don't then that's just her imagination and you need to let a kid be a Kid.

Maria: Ok then, Let's go rose.. And you're gonna be grounded if you give me that sass Again!

Rose: you're a horrible mother, could had done this another day, but nooo
You chose my 7th birthday! You ruined it for me

Maria: I don't care!

Narrator: rose ran to her room..

Maria scoffed

Maria: I can't believe that little brat,


Rose: I hate her! I hate her!

Francine's spirit: rose.. don't cry, You can't hate her that much...

Rose: I do hate her, she just is jealous cuz all her friends left her!

Francine's spirit: oh dear.. stop crying, well I have to go... My father needs me,

Rose: no don't go!

**Francine's spirit Disappeared**

Rose: even Francine don't want to talk to me...

**Narrator: Did I mention they were gonna move tomorrow, Maria wanted to keep it surprise.. but I guess I can tell you, the reader**

*Next day*

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