Chpt 1:Bot-Fighting

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[It was a warm night in San Fransokyo and a bot fight was being held in a dark alley]
Yama: Who's next?! Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama?!
[People in the crowd nervously hide their robots, too scared to fight.]
Hiro: Can I try?
[Everyone turns around to see a fourteen-year-old boy, holding a cute little robot. This is Hiro.]
Hiro: [innocently] I have a robot. I built it myself.
[Everyone laughs at Hiro's robot.]
Announcer: Beat it, kid! House rules: You gotta pay to play.
Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? [Holds up a handful of money]
Yama: What's your name, little boy?
Hiro: [shyly] Hiro. Hiro Hamada.
Yama: Prepare your bot... Zero.
[Hiro and Yama prepare to fight.]
Announcer: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT!
[Hiro's robot is destroyed in seconds.]

Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I– Ca-Can I try again?
Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home.
Hiro: I've got more money.
[He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.]
Announcer: Fighters ready? FIGHT!
[Megabot suddenly reassembles itself. Hiro drops his "shy, innocent little boy" act.]
Hiro: Megabot, destroy! [Grins evilly]
Yama: What?
[In the aftermath of the fight Hiro had won]
Hiro: No more little yama.
Yama: But, wha...This is not possible!
Hiro: Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck. Do you want to go again, Yama?
Yama: No one hustles Yama!
Hiro: Whoa. Hey...
Yama: Teach him a lesson.
Hiro: Hey, fellas. Let's talk about this.
[Suddenly Hiro's older brother Tadashi came out of nowhere]
Tadashi: Hiro! Get on!
Hiro: Tadashi! Ah, good timing!
Yama: Oh mama!
Tadashi: Are you okay?
Hiro: Yeah.
Tadashi: Are you hurt?
Hiro: No.
Tadashi: THEN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, KNUCKLEHEAD!? You graduated high school when you were 13, and this is what you're doing?
Yama: There they are!
Tadashi:Hold on!
Get back here.
Tadashi: Bot Fighting is illegal. You're gonna get yourself arrested!
Hiro: Bot Fighting is NOT illegal! Betting on Bomb Fighting, that's– that's illegal. But, SO lucrative! [Holds out a fat wad of cash he won from the Bot Fight] I'm on a roll, big brother! [Throws arms up victoriously] AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!
[Tadashi suddenly stops as police cars pull up in front of them.]
Tadashi: Oh, no...
[Hiro and Tadashi both get arrested and put into jail.Hiro and Tadashi walk out of the police department after getting arrested where their Aunt Cass was waiting]
Hiro and Tadashi: [Shamefully] Hi, Aunt Cass.
Cass: [Worried] Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay!
Hiro: We're fine.
Tadashi: We're okay.
Aunt Cass: Oh, good.
[She grabs them both by the ear and drags them to the car.]
Aunt Cass:THEN WHAT WERE YOU TWO KNUCKLEHEADS THINKING?! For 10 years, I have done the best I could to raise you. Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No. Should I have picked up a book on parenting? Probably! Where was I going with this? I had a point.
Hiro:We love you, aunt Cass.
Aunt Cass:I love you, too! I had to close up early because of two felons. On beat poetry night. Stress eating. Because of you. Come on, Mochi. This is really good!
Tadashi:You better make this up to aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe.
Hiro:For sure.
Tadashi:And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.
Tadashi:You're going bot fighting, aren't you?
Hiro:There's a fight across town. If I book, I can still make it.
[Before Hiro could leave he was stopped by Tadashi]
Tadashi:When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?
Hiro:What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already know?
Tadashi:Unbelievable.Oh, what would mom and dad say?
Hiro:I don't know.They're gone. They died when I was three, remember?
Tadashi:Hey! I'll take you.
Tadashi:I can't stop you from going, but I'm not going to let you go on your own.
[Tadashi drives Hiro all the way to his college called San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.]

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