Chpt 2:Meeting Baymax

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Hiro:What are we doing at your nerd school? Bot-fight's that way!
Tadashi:Gotta grab something.
Hiro:Is this gonna take long?
Tadashi:Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out. Anyway, you've never seen my lab.
Hiro:Oh, great, I get to see your nerd lab!
Go-Go:Heads up!
Hiro:Electro-mag suspension?
Go-Go:Hey! Who are you?
Tadashi:Go Go, this is my brother Hiro.
Go-Go:Welcome to the nerd lab.
Hiro:Yeah. I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.
Go-Go:Zero resistance, faster bike. But, not fast enough... ...yet.
Wasabi:Oh, woah woah whoah woah woah! Do not move. Behind the line, please.
Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother Hiro.
Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed. Catch.
Hiro:Wow. Laser-induced plasma?
Wasabi:Oh, yeah. With a little magnetic confinement for ultra-precision.
Hiro:Wow. How do you find anything in this mess?
Wasabi:I have a system. There's a place for everything, and everything in its place.
Go-Go:Need this!
Wasabi:You can't do that! This is anarchy! Society has rules!
Honey Lemon:Excuse me! Coming through! Tadashi! Oh, my gosh. You must be Hiro! I've heard so much about you![Kisses Hiro on both sides of his face] Perfect timing. Perfect timing.
Hiro:That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide.
Honey Lemon:400 pounds of it! Come here, come here, come here. You're going to love this. A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide, super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and... Ta-da! It's pretty great, huh?
Hiro:It's so pink.
Honey Lemon:Here's the best part.
[As Honey Lemon touched the giant pink ball it exploded]
Honey Lemon:I know, right? Chemical metal embrittlement.
Tadashi:Not bad, Honey Lemon.
Hiro:"Honey lemon"? "Go Go"? "Wasabi"?
Wasabi:I spill wasabi on my shirt one time, people. One time!
Tadashi:Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames.
Hiro: Who's Fred?
Fred': This guy, right here!
Fred:Don't be alarmed. It is just a suit. This is not my real face and body. The name's Fred. School mascot by day, but by night... I am also a school mascot.
Hiro:So, what's your major?
Fred:No, no, no, I'm not a student. But I am a major science enthusiast. I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula, that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will. But she says that's "not science."
Honey Lemon:It's really not.
Fred:Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't "science" either. Is it?
Fred:Well, then, what about "invisible sandwich"?
Fred:Imagine eating a sandwich, but everybody just thinks you're crazy.
[In Tadashi's lab]
Hiro:So, what have you been working on?
Tadashi:I'll show you.
Hiro:Duct tape? I hate to break it to you, bro. Already been invented.
[Tadashi takes the piece of duct tape on Hiro's arm then rips it off quickly causing him to yell in pain]
Hiro:Hey! Dude! Ow!
Tadashi:This is what I've been working on.
Baymax:Hello. I am Baymax. Your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said, "ow."
Hiro:A robotic nurse.
Baymax:On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?
Hiro:Physical or emotional?
[Tadashi makes a puppy dog face a Hiro🥺😂]
Baymax:I will scan you now. Scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm. I suggest an anti-bacterial spray.
Hiro:What's in the spray, specifically?
Baymax:The primary ingredient is bacitracin.
Hiro:That's a bummer. I'm actually allergic to that.
Baymax:You are not allergic to bacitracin. You do have a mild allergy to peanuts.
Hiro:Not bad. You've done some serious coding on this thing, huh?
Tadashi:Programed him with over 10,000 medical procedures. This chip is what makes Baymax, Baymax.
Tadashi:Yeah, going for a non-threatening, huggable kind of thing.
Hiro:Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense.
Baymax:I am a robot. I cannot be offended.
Tadashi:Hyperspectral cameras?
Hiro:Titanium skeleton?
Tadashi:Carbon fiber.
Hiro:Right. Even lighter. Killer actuators. Where did you get those?
Tadashi:Machined them right here, in-house.
Tadashi:Yup. He can lift 1,000 pounds.
Hiro:Shut up.
Baymax:You have been a good boy. Have a lollipop.
Baymax:I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care.
Hiro:Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.
Tadashi:He's going to help a lot of people.
Hiro:Hey, what kind of battery does it use?
Tadashi:Lithium ion.
Hiro:You know, supercapacitors would charge way faster.
Professor Callaghan:Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?
Tadashi:Hey, Professor.Actually, I was just finishing up.
Professor Callaghan:You must be Hiro.Bot-fighter, right?When my daughter was younger, that's all she wanted to do.May I?
Professor Callaghan:Magnetic-bearing servos.
Hiro:Pretty sick, huh? Wanna see how I put 'em together?
Tadashi:Hey, genius!He invented them.
Hiro:You're Robert Callaghan?Like, as in, the Callaghan-catmull spline, and Callaghan's "laws of robotics?"
Professor Callaghan:That's right.Ever think about applying here?Your age wouldn't be an issue.
Tadashi:I don't know.He's pretty serious about his career in bot-fighting.
Hiro:Well, kind of serious.
Professor Callaghan:I can see why.With your bot, winning must come easy.
Hiro:Yeah, I guess.
Professor Callaghan:Well, if you like things easy,then my program isn't for you.We push the boundaries of robotics here.My students go on to shape the future.Nice to meet you, Hiro.Good luck with the bot-fights.
Tadashi:We gotta hurry if you want to catch that bot-fight.
Hiro:I have to go here.If I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind.How do I get in?
[Tadashi smiles at his little brother]

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