On the Run

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It was the last day of his old life, tomorrow he would be moving to New Orleans with a new name and identity, and no one would find him. He had to leave behind his mother, but it had to be done for her safety. "This is the price I have to pay. Everything comes at a price" he mused to himself. Being one of the rarest elementals with the ability to control all the 4 elements wind fire air and water he was a NOVA. A rare species of paranormal beings who were on the brink of extinction. They were hunted down by the other creatures mostly the vampires and the fae who used mind compulsion to keep them against their will and made them their killing machines and used them as their greatest weapons.

While rummaging through his closet, and packing his bags he came across his old uniform and was pulled through the memory lanes to a particularly dreadful day


Sitting on his bed in his dorm at Kingswood University, he was trying his best to subdue his panic." What have I done...What have I done ............" he sat there muttering under his breath pulling his hair.

It had only been 152 hours since he found out about his abilities. Hell! only a week ago he thought he was mundane, he was going on a vacation with his best friend. Not in a million chances did he think he was one of the superior beings a supernatural creature and that to such a rare one. It was mandatory for everyone humans and supernaturals alike, to be tested at the age of 18. He was sure he was a plain old human and nothing special. I mean, come on! who will not notice that they have super fast healing, mind reading, or that they can change into an animal or best of all perform sorcery ."Alex Summer" he was pulled out of his rambling thoughts as his name was called out, "Meet you outside " he mouthed the words to Jeremiah who was tested already, and the result was as expected .... nothing special just your normal friendly human. They say there is a sign for every creature. A cloudy sky with a blood moon for the vampire, a green flame for the Socceror's, the different seasons for the respective fae, and what do you think is for the werewolves and shifters ?....................... DING DING DING correct A Full moon. Nothing had appeared for Jeremiah so he was declared a human. As Alex moved up the stage and stood beside Quinn the magic reader for the day, Quinn drew a rune on Alex's hand. Nothing happened for some time but suddenly there were shooting stars all around the hall; Alex tried to focus on what was going on, but his ears were ringing, Quinn was saying something he could see his mouth moving but could not hear anything  the ringing grew louder, he was getting a migraine , it felt like someone was drilling a hole in his head with a drilling machine,  his vision faded in and out , the outlines of Quinn's profile became blurry, it felt like everything around him was glitching  and suddenly all was black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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