episode 6

20 1 0

Previous: ben we got go
Hi ben dont you remember me.
A new Jagger.

Present times:

Hey ben thanks for saving us back. No need to thanks buddy

but what happens back there your Jagger stope working out of know where

        Well that emp attack that kaiju did .it shut off our Jagger but lucky lee storm have a new power system

Gwen say which ben and steve look at her like dump

Wait You gys dont know about it right.

about what .ben say but he and kara both call by max

You gys go I will tell steve. about storm power source

At marshal tennyson office :

Marshal what you want to say sir.

Ben the thing is you should know about our true enemies
who are they and how your Jager able to function in EMP burst
and its power source also too.

He was confused .what max want to say .but deep down know things are
complicated and dangerous

max starting to explained it

do you believe
aliens life exists.

Well I think
they exist somewhere
but why this question

kaiju are created by aliens

he was shock to hear it

It's all  aliens again
after so many years later.
I thought
if I destroy omnitrix
no alien will ever came to
earth .

He was thinking
then max break his thought

Ben I know what you thinking but it's all true. when first kaiju detects some of old plumbers who was working as scientists. found kaiju creates by unkown beings who.use same dna to make every kaiju and there brains act like a bee nest.

Is govt know about them
or how it was connected to you Grandpa

Some of higher one knows them .and when I was young I was working with aliens cop and there something you should know about it too

What  about storm .its power was some kind of unique right .
gwen was talking about same

Storm was created by all alien tech we got on earth .
they can't interfere her directly but they provide us some tech support
thanks to some friends we made it some how.

The energy it use is one of kind we call it tc001 an experimental power source.
it's give storm speed ,agility and able to hold powerful weapons like energy sword twin blade and
many more

Ah ben I think you should know about your family biggest secret too.

He hesitated a little .

well ben your grandma was alien too.shes an anodite

And why you telling me right know .

max suprise cause ben already believes it and not making any seen his reaction like .
he  know it very long time

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