Chapter One

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Chapter One (Ambrosia)

"What. The. F-"

"Language, miss!" I heard my roommate yell at me from the other side of our apartment.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't usually use such profane language, but dammit, this guy is just so annoying.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been working extremely hard on an essay due in my English class, even to the point where I had to give up chances to get a new part-time job, since I was currently jobless. This paper was worth a good portion of our semester grade, so I wanted to make sure I did well on it.

So, I worked everyday, as much as I possibly could without going insane, and was able to finish it the day before it was due. I handed it in, and patiently waited two weeks for Mr.Griffin to grade it. When I got it back, I was, to say the least, pretty pissed.

I had expected nothing lower than an A-, but Mr.Griffin had to be an ass and give me a B. And his reasoning for giving me such a crappy grade was because my paper was 'unoriginal'. The entire topic was unoriginal, and he was the one who assigned me it. Why would anyone want an entire essay based on the importance of a college library, which isn't exactly easy to write about either, when I rather would have wrote about what is and isn't art.

But apparently that's not acceptable.

Mr.Griffin gave me the opportunity to write a second essay, this time about anything-thank God-but I only had a month to do it, compared to my two months the previous time. I guess it was better than nothing, though.

My roommate, Mia, walked into my room and plopped down into the beanbag on the ground.

"What's got your panties in a twist this lovely evening?" I scowled at her and showed her my essay grade which she whistled in response.

"I'm guessing Mr.Griffin does not like you very much."

I gave out a bitter laugh and replied, "Not in the least. And this grade is worth about a fourth of our semester grade. Although, I'm glad he gave me the chance to rewrite it."

Mia just patted my hand and said as sweetly as she could, "Sucks to be you, babe."

"Why? Why must I have such awful friends?" I said to myself. Mia just poked her tongue out at me and put on her thinking face.

"Crap. It's thinking. Run for your lives!" I screamed as I looked at Mia. She just pushed me out of my chair, and I landed roughly on my butt on the carpeted floor.

"Shut up. I'm trying to help you here!" She put on her thinking face again and went silent.

Mia and I met when we were just freshmen in collage, and have been inseparable since. We had our classes together, since we both were majoring in Fine Arts, and that just made it a hell of a lot easier to become friends. It also didn't help that she was just as crazy and extroverted as I was.

I remember the first thing we did as friends, and I can only chuckle as I looked back...

We both were dead tired as we came back from our morning classes, and spring break was just about to start. We were sitting in our dorm room trying to come up for vacation ideas-yes, we were also procrastinators to the max- when Mia jumped out of of her seat, an excited glint in her eye.

"I got it!" I just raised an eyebrow at her outburst and waited for her to further explain.

"We're bored. We so far have nothing planned for spring break. We live in Pennsylvania where people think that nothing cool is available. Right?"

I gave her a dead-pan stare, and rolled my eyes. "Are you just going to list the reasons why our life sucks, or are you actually going to give a good idea?"

She placed her hand up to stop me from complaining, and I zipped my mouth shut.

"Let me finish, dear, before you get all pessimistic on me. People think that Pennsylvania is boring, when in fact, just an hour away is the mountains."

"So you're suggesting we go out into the mountains?" I said, giving her a bored stare. She merely beamed at me and nodded.

"Yes! Why don't you seemed excited about this?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I don't feel like wasting energy just climbing a mountain."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "No, silly! See..." Mia went on for an hour explaining about all the activities we could do there; hiking, camping, swimming in a waterfall, etc. By the time she was finished talking, she already had me packing my bags.

This was the beginning of a great journey that just ended horribly. A week later we found ourselves lost in the mountains of Pennsylvania, trudging through the bunches of bushes and trees. We eventually found ourselves out, with Mia's compass, and my constant screaming.

That was the last time we went to the mountains.

I chuckled to myself and Mia looked at me curiously.

"What?" She inquired. I shook my head and looked up at her, the memory still fresh in my mind.

"I was just taking of our first trip together." Mia beamed at that and sat up in her chair.

"That reminds me! I was thinking what could help improve your grade, and I got it."

"The last time you said that, we got lost in the woods," I pointed out.

Mia pouted. "That's different. C'mon, Amber," She pleaded, calling me my nickname. "I'm talking about helping you with your essay problem."

I sighed and gave in, letting her describe her 'perfect' plan.

"You're stressed, and you need a new topic to write about. Since you're not going to gain any inspiration here, we might as go somewhere you can relax and think." Mia stated, waiting for my response.

I thought it over and nodded. "Sounds good so far. Where do you suppose I go for this trip?"

"That's where it gets amazing, my friend," she said. She scooted closer to me, and whispered excitedly, "Cancun, babe. You're gonna go to Cancun."

I looked at her bewildered. "And how do you propose I pay for this trip?"

Leaning away from me, she placed her arms behind her head and smirked. "Me."

"Pssh, where are you going to find enough money for a $700 dollar ticket, a hotel room, and money for food?"

"Hun, you better double that amount, because I'm going with you. Like I would pay for you to go alone to Cancun. Hah."

"That makes it worse! You'll never be able to afford it." I said, stating the obvious.

Mia rolled her eyes. "Who said I would be paying for everything? Nah, my parents owe me a late graduation gift, so they'll pay."

Mia's parents were incredibly rich, but also incredibly stingy with their money. How Mia would be able to get enough money from them to go there is an answer I'll never know the answer to.

I looking at Mia, with her eager face, I made up my mind.

"Fine. I'll go with you." I caved in, and rubbed my temples. While Mia fist pumped and started to talk about how much fun we were going to have, I could only think of one thing.

This was going to end horribly.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 16, 2013 ⏰

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