♡Part 2♡

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Idk for todays a/n so lets get straight to this!!


Vances pov

The bell finally rang after being trapped in that dumbass classroom with those ugly ass hoes.(he not talking about bruce right!?)
I grabbed my bag and pushed people out of my way with bruce and his gayass friends trailing my ass.

"Wait up vance!" Bryce called out. I obviously didnt stop. "Oh my fucking god what do you want?!" I yelled back. We were in an empty hallway so i could do whatever.

"I wanna be your bo- FRIEND i mean.." What was be gonna say? Idgaf. I rolled my eyes back at him. I wanted to knock him out clean. "Please vance hes just gonna keep bugging you if you dont.."

Finney says giving me fucking puppy eyes. "No. And thats it i dont wanna see you guys again." "Please vance! Bruce literally wont stop.." bruce was then giving me puppy eyes now that Finney said that.

"FINE YOU FAT SL_TS." They all looked shocked. Whatd they think they would get? A damn 'Okay bestie lets go!' Like stfu no. Robin then came over😒. "Dont call them that." "Whatever." I then walked and realized how happy bruce was.

Bruces pov

"Im vances friend now!" "Why do you even wanna be his friend..he doesnt even want any bruce.." That did make me realize what finn was saying. "right sorry.." I said back in an not so excited tone.

Vancewas so pretty i wanted to hold him in my arms every night. Probably even get him on his kne- omfg what am i saying. I was so inlove with Vance hopper. I was 2inches shorter then him sadly. Doesnt mean i cant t- STFU..

"Bruce you there?" Robin says shaking me back and forth. "Shit sorry" i say laughing. "Hey guys im gonna go find billy!" Griffen says running off giggling. "Hes definitely inlove with billy." "Agreed" they both say back.

Skip school time now they're at a pumptrack!(Where you ride your bikes and skateboards)

I didnt bring anything since it was gonna probably be boring. Robin and finney bought a shopping cart and they kept going down hills in it. I was just sitting at the edgeof a ramp watching random kids do tricks. Most people were watching finney and robin do dumb shit they do together. I sat there zoning out until i saw familiar blonde frizzy curly hair. It was vance. He was on his skateboard.

I didnt know he liked skateboards. Good i know what to get him now and win his heart. He spotted me from a distance and i looked away. He just rolled his eyes back at me grabbing his skateboard and walking towards me.

But he stopped when a random girl came up to him. Fucking bitch. I could hear them talking from here luckily. "Your vance hopper right?" She says giggling. "Whats it to you." "I was gonna ask if you wanted to be friends!" He looked her dead in the eye.

"No dumb bitch." He then pushed her over and then picked his skateboard up walking over to me. I felt flustered bc of that.. "Are you stalking me now dipshit?" He says raising his voice a little.

"I dont know vance am i?" I said back smirking at him. I looked him up and down which made him confused. "What do i dress weird?!" "No no you just look hot." I say giving him another smirk.

He went silent after that. He was looking above me so i turned around just to see robin and finney standing still staring back at vance and me. "Okay bye then.." Vance says backing up and riding off into the streets.

"Bruce what was that!?" Robin says whisper yelling. "What? Hes hot okay! Its not my fault hes attractive." I say rolling my eyes back at him.
"He literally has no interest in you and you cant date anyway.." finney says.

"And?! You and robin are da!-" "Shut up we are not!" Finney says cutting me off. "I dont mind.." robin says quietly. "Ooo robinnn~~" i say teasing. "Shut up..." Finney says back whining.
Which made me and robin laugh.

they all went to bruces house.

"Okayy were here finally!" Finney says getting out of the shopping cart. (Yes they drove it back.) Robin then let go of it leaving it on my drive way and we walk to my front door. I opened it letting them in. "Mom were backkk" i yelled out. No awnser so she must still be at work since its early still.

We walk over to my room and just hang in there planning on what to do. "Why do you guys even like that vance guy he seems like a real pain!" Robin says angrily. "Hes bruces type robin." "So!? There's other guys in this world."

"Shut up hes perfect and i need him." "Why exactly do you need him." Robin replys.
"Because hes perfect in every way." "Yeah right he probably doesnt know how to write." "He does actually!" "How do you know hm?" "Passing notes." I said back giving a slight smirk.

"Wow bruce you got this sorted.." "ofcourse i do! Watch me steal his heart this is gonna be easy as fuck." I say smiling. We all just talked for hours after that. Made me wonder what vance was doing..

"Hey guys we should go to vances house." I said randomly. "How do you know where he lives.." "i dont But i know who does." I said smirking at the both of them.

They asked Amelia since she was at finneys house and she told them>:)

We walked up to the door knocking on it 3 times just for this pretty lady with brown hair to open it. "Hello.. You guys are?.." "Vance's friends" i say smiling back at her.

"Oh my gosh my bubble has friends!! Vance!!" "Whattt" he says coming out if his room shirtless and in sweat pants. He looked like he had just woken up.

"Your friends are here my bubble ill leave u too it im going to get groceries!" She says passing past us. "How the fuck did you stalkers find me." "Shut up bUbBle." Robin says mockingly. "Fuck off stalkers." He says trying to slam the door up i hold it open with my hand.

"We wanna hang." "Bro what the actual fuck..Fine get in." I smirk at his frown and we all walk in. His house was normal.. kinda. There were a couple of beer bottles on his
Coffee Table and a passed out man lying next to them.

I suppose his dad? "My rooms a mess so you bitches better not fucking judge or im gonna kick you out my window." Vance said opening his room door. Wow.. beer bottles, blunt cigarettes, posters, a black cross with wings on his mirror. No clothes on his floor surprisingly.

"Wow what a shithole." Robin says. "Aye shut up." "Fine." Robin says back rolling his eyes. "What do you guys even wanna do my house is boring asf." "Truth or dare?" "Nah that shits boring asf bruceee" Robin says dragging the e out.

"Stop being a pussy robin." "Shut up bubble." " fuck up hoe." "Whatever fine lets play." Robin says sitting on the floor. Finney just nods at me and sits down next to robin. I went over to vances bed and sat there which made vance confused??

"What are you doing on my bed." He says storming iver to me. "I aint sitting on the floor sorry" I said back patting his head. "Fuck you then." He jumped on the bed and we all just sat in silence. I broke it soon after.

"Truth or dare Robin" "Truth." "Okay..what is the gayest thing you've ever done." Vances frown then turned into a smirk. "Kiss finney on the lips like 19 times." "Robin!!" Finney yelled out whinning.

"What? You enjoyed it." He said eolling his eyes. "Blah blah shut up robin. Bruce truth or dare?" Finney says. "Dare i aint no pussy." "I dare you to..tell us what no one knows about you"

"Im a model thats so easy" "What?! How have i not recognized!!" "I dont know finney ask my mom" "whatever.." "Vance truth or dare." "Dare." He said back rolling his eyes. "You have to let me style your hair for the rest of the game and now bail out."

"Fine" He was clearly annoyed at me but i didnt give a single fuck. "Great!" "Finn truth or dare?" "Its finney bruce." "Sorry again."
I stood up and patted the floor for vance to come sit.
He suprising did! I continued to play truth or dare.

After a while

"Guys we gotta go now see you tomorrow at school vance" "ok." He said back giving me a straight face.
Robin was gonna walk finn home so i just split up with them. Little lovebirds much.

Sorry if this took long i dont have ideas and i also still have to finish my other book!!<3 ily all sm♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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