chapter 13

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A few months past and the movie premier was tomorrow, the cast is still as close as ever and we hang out all the time !

I was washing my face when I got a notification from my phone, it was mikey (miguel)

Bae#1 maddie
Bae#2 becca
Bae#3 y/n
Mikey ❤  miguel
Pinball vance Brady
Mint arm mason
President trist Tristan
          |Pick up the phone 📞 |

Mikey ❤) guys where r we meeting up tmr?

Pinball vance) at maccies 🤪

Bae#3) yess
Seen 14:56


I got ready and decided to go out with my fg.

I walked to maccies (mcdonalds) and saw them, as I ran up to them they said

"So you and mikey hm," Eve said moving her eyebrows up and down

"Oo I love miguel mwah mwah mwah," chloe said as she mocked me, the rest of the group laughed but one of them stayed quiet.

I didn't like him that much but everyone else was friends with him so I put up with it. We were once close but fought alot, you cannot have us in the same room.

When the fg began to form we didn't like eachother at all, we fought and acted rather childish around eachother, but one day he started to be nice to me, weirdly nice.

That lasted a week, I didn't know how to react so I ghosted him as my friends thought that he liked me. Ever since that week we never spoke to eachother.

I gave him a carra (bitch face) and we hung out,

"Guys do you want to go to the Premier tomorrow?" I asked as they're faces lit up

"Y/n in a movie, OFC WE WANT TO GO!?" They all said, exept for felix.

I gave them passes and we walked to primark as wannabe- spice girls started to play.

We were going to chosen outfits for the premier.

We walked around for around 40 minutes, with piles of clothes in our basket things.

We decided to try everything on before we paid and I posted a pic of one of the outfits.

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