Chapter 5

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A/N - Short chapter sorry.

Katrinas POV

"Why does the traveler keep saying rose? Is that a recipe? I mean, you can cook with roses, right? Maybe it's a new spice family." Kelly had been up all night studying the cookbook and trying to solve their Chuck problem.

'I miss rose :(.'

I found that out after I came home from getting some spices from Mrs.silvers to Chuck, and having some fun with him.

"I don't know. Just like I didn't know when we discussed it last night. Let's just take a break." Hannah suggested.

"You're right.... Hey, what do you think 8529 means?" She asked not even 5 seconds later after agreeing to take a break.

"That was the shortest break in the history of breaks." I said.

"Come on, Let's get out of here. I want to get my first spin at Dan's Doughnats." Darbie said

"You know it's rigged right?." I asked.

"Yeah, do you really think that they're gonna give away a year of free doughnuts?" Hannah asked.

"It's a publicity stunt . Nobody ever wins."

"This could be the year. You cannot win if you do not spin."

Then Kelly got back to the 'mystery' "We 've gotta be missing something."

"Yeah, we're missing sunlight and fresh air." Hanna said and Darbie added "And doughnuts."

"Okay, okay. It's hard to argue with that."

"Kelly! You ready?"  Mom yelled to Kelly coming into the room.


"You were gonna help me with my speech. We talked about this."

"Right, sorry mom, I'm just Distracted."

"Distracted to what? It's summer."

"Summer is very stressful. Like today. Do we get doughnuts and then see a movie, or movie then doughnuts?" Darbie said.

"Okay well I'm gonna go now." I said walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked

"I have to get to the park and teach kids how to dance. You know my summer job?"

"Oh, right, forget about that. Have fun."

I Gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked to the park and into Chuck trailer. Sat on his bed and waited for him to come back. While he was gone I looked around the trailer and saw it was really dirty. And a copy of the Magical Cookbook, Opened it and saw the recipes that the girls have cooked. Oh well. Walking over to his bed and laid down and looked to the side to see an old picture of me from the 18's framed.

When he came in he gave me a smile and put a finger in front of his mouth and looked out the window and his smile dropped to a frown

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

When he came in he gave me a smile and put a finger in front of his mouth and looked out the window and his smile dropped to a frown. So I walked up behind him and saw Kelly looking up at us then at the cookbook and up again confused, then she just walked off.

"Hey, darling, have you put protection spells on your cookbook yet?" I looked at the cookbook and back at Charles.

"Not yet, why?"

"I have a feeling it will need it soon. We could do one that makes it really heavy, like really really heavy, and another one that does so no one other than we can cook from it. And whatever other protection you can come up with."

"All right, sweetheart. Whatever you say." He smirked, grabbed my waist and kissed me with passion.

Later that Day I found out that the girls found Charles trailer and the other cookbook.

Just add Katrina and Chuck.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt