Chapter 17

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It was a week, since the two lassies have assisted in capturing Carlos, the brunette went ahead and gave the young kid a pat on the head for assisting her, without wasting time, she tied a rope around his wrist to avoid him getting away, Jessie was standing beside a dead tree, cradling the amount of dollars in her hands, she smiled to herself.

Carlos didn't struggle at all, when he was tied up, he accepted his defeat, stating Jessie fought like a true fighter and willingly surrendered.

Clover was proud, she had managed to save Jessie in a life threatening situation, if she hadn't been there, she had no idea what would have happened, Jessie then invited her to spend time playing in the forest, they would play for a few minutes, before the blonde had to go home.

And now she was splitting them fifty fifty, counting them through great numbers, 'he he he, twelve million, she mumbled, gotta give that handler, he ain't ever lie.

She had manage to get into contact with an officer to meet her with the bounty, she was wearing a robe all over her, covering her face so they wouldn't recognize her, that way she got paid and won't have to be looking over her shoulder, ' That is to be ma best catch yet', she mumbled, ' each time they keep piling up, he he, to think she would have gotten lucky In finding him so easily, she thought she would not have been .

She pockets them in her coat, 'might wanna save sum fer the young colt fer her assistance. She chuckled soundly, 'gotta give her one she sure knew how to make a left hook', she looked up at the sky to admire the clouds, Jessie remembered since her childhood, ever since she was five, she remembered speaking to her Mother and father once, remembered their voices, their faces, she recalled how they had been the original greatest thieves to exits, she recalled trying her best to follow in their footsteps, how she always wanted to be in charge of her own decisions, until the day she never saw them ever again, she had fought and fought to achieve that, and now look where she was, a proud young rebel willing to do whatever she liked, she had managed to obtain enough money to obtain money to travel, from train, to boat, to mine cart, every day she had recalled always traveling, growing up to be the best she could become, she had met with a lot of people in the day, some she had done certain favors, and some she had to say her dues when they have served their purpose, then one day she had decided, why not go bounty hunting, 'ha ha, and to think that old runt sent a bounty on me', she mumbled, 'like anyone will even manage to-

Click' her senses tightened, she recognized that sounds, it was the sound of a pistol twisting a bullet through the nozzle, she chuckled slightly, putting the rest of the money in her pocket, god, she thought, what were the chances, she glanced up in the sky, looks like the jig is up she thought, time passed slowly for her in that moment, she had a good idea on who had just found her, 'Wanna finish that'.

Behind her, a familiar voice came.

Annie, now wearing a black waist coat, held a small Remington in her right hand pointing it right at the side of Jessie's head, why on earth would they manage to find them here, or better yet how, had god just directed them to here, the young lass was merely walking out here on a stroll to the market, when she spotted her, now there was no turning back, 'seriously Jess, you seriously think that I would not have caught in on to you by this point'.

Jessie didn't panic or even flinch, rather she smile and raised her hands surrendering, 'well well, Ann, we meet again', she grins turning around to grin at the tall women, 'how is ma favorite gullible guppy doing now, let me guess your crying at home trying to find a tissue, she joked.

Annie rolled her eyes, of course she would make a gag like this, ' put your hands down Jess, she said, lowering her piece, of course she wasn't going to actually shoot her, that would haunt her for life, up to this point Annie had never killed anyone, and so she won't start now 'you and I seriously have some catching up to do.

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