Chapter 11, Spirit Lost In The Night

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Filip's POV.
She was gone... She gave herself to save my life! I couldn't believe it! I lost her... I lost the one who was there for me through it all. I lost the one person who meant the world to me, the one who was always there for me, the one I was always there for! I tried to protect her... but I couldn't save her

"Filip... I'm... so sorry..." Ronnie trembled. I looked up at him with tears flowing down my face.

"She... She was my everything! My everything!!! I promised her that she would return home safely!!! You hear me?? I promised her!!! Promises should never be broken, no matter how hard they are to keep!!!" I cried.

"Filip, calm down." Ronnie tried to calm me down, I wasn't having it. I began to lose my control.

"This is all your fault!! If you would've just confessed to everyone, none of this would've happened! Zala might still be alive!" I wept. Ronnie took a step back.

"Filip, you know it wasn't my choice to become the murderer. I didn't want to die. I still don't." Ronnie tried to explain.

"Do you even know how much Zala means to me? She's my world!!! You wouldn't know that because... Because you don't know how to love!" I screeched. Ronnie stood silent.. I gasped as I realized what I just said.

"Filip... If I didn't know how to love, you'd be dead right now, and so would many other people. If I didn't know how to love, we wouldn't have made it this far! We wouldn't have figured out who was behind this whole thing!" Ronnie cried. Then he sighed. "Look, Filip. I know you don't mean what you say when you're mad.... Or in this case, in grief. I know you well enough to know that you don't think that.... You're like.... Like a little brother to me. I couldn't possibly imagine what you're going through right now....."

"Ronnie... Maybe we should give him some alone time..." Mahmood suggested. Ronnie nodded, and everyone left the room, leaving me with the scrambled pieces of my broken heart.

I began to stroke Zala's hair with my fingers. Her hair was so soft, and it smelled like coconut shampoo. That was her favorite. I've known this since I've met her...

"Oh Zala! What have I done?" I wept. I held her body close, and sobbed. I continued to sob until I felt the presence of another person about three feet behind me. It was Rambo, who was chuckling slightly.

"Oh Filip. Don't cry... It's just the circle of life." he cackled.

"You monster! You killed her!" I screeched.

"Oh boo hoo! What are you going to do about it?" Rambo laughed. I looked down at Zala. Her frail body and colorless face broke me more than anything ever had. She was the light of my life.... Now she's gone.

"Oh I'll show you what I'm going to do about it!" I cried as I swung my hand at Rambo. I caught him in the eye. I could see the blood gushing down his face from my scratch.


Rambo paused. He turned to face me. Then he snickered.

"You know, if you wanted me to... Bring her back... You could just ask me nicely." Rambo chuckled. I gasped.

"You.... You have the power to do that??" I asked. That's when I heard Ronnie shout from the other room. He must have been watching the whole thing.

"Filip, don't listen to him! He's trying to trick you!" He warned me.

"I just want Zala back!" I cried. That was true. I couldn't live without her. I looked up at Rambo. "What do you mean, you can bring her back?"

"Yes, I have the power to bring her back. You just need to do one tiny thing." Rambo cackled.

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