• •The Starting Point• •

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Okay, so you're probably wondering why tf I'm doing yet another separate book about The Realities Squad.

Again. Lmao

Tbh it's just because I don't want to make a whole a/n chapter in the actual book and make it cluttered.

Plus, it might get people excited and be like, "OH LOOK NEW CHAPTER" and it's literally just me rambling.

You're welcome :)

Anyways, this book is self explanatory.

It's just Updates regarding The Realities Squad.

Simple :)

If you want to be kept up to date with these like this then just stay tuned :)

I'll also be kinda rebranding my Wattpad profile and how I sign off.

So I won't be referring to myself as my persona's name, Kat, but as primarily Demoni or Meow.

So uhhhh starting now :3


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