Chapter Three

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This chapter kinda sucks  I hate it sm ☹️

Today I'm going to the store! I was really happy since I don't go outside a lot. Papa isn't coming because he's "busy"

But I can only get groceries. Papa said he would kill me if I got anything else. I don't know if he was joking or serious.

I'm not taking the chance.

I walked to the store, skipping along. I saw some candy on the ground, but I know I'm not supposed to take things from the ground. I kept walking until I got to the store.

Then, I saw it. A white van and a guy coming out and walking towards me.

"Hey Kid, want some free candy?" He said, creepily.

I shook my head no. Free candy is always a scam. It almost always tastes bitter.

"Really? I'm a friend of your parents! They told me to find a cute little boy in overalls, and thats you!"

"Thats funny cause my papa has no friends."

Now I know he's lying.

I ran in to the store and breathed heavy.

He wasn't following me. Thank god.

I grabbed a cart and everything I needed. Milk, Eggs, Bread, and Chicken. Not much.

I went up to the cash register and paid for my stuff.

When I walked out, there was the same creepy guy, talking to a different kid.

Then, Him and the kid started walking with him.

Oh god. He was gonna take the kid.

I ran as fast as I could to the man and the other kid.


The kid turned around and the man looked startled.

"DON'T TRUST HIM!" I screamed and yelled.

The guy grabbed the kid and ran up to me and grabbed me by my neck and threw us in the van. He slammed the door on us and we just sat there, shaking.

"Wh-whats your name...?" The kid asked. The kid had black, short hair and was pretty pale. He also had bright, blue eyes. He looked about my age.

"Florence.." I said, quietly. It was basically a whisper. He didn't say anything, just hugged me. I hugged him back.

I think I can trust him.

I love(d) you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang