Saeyama x Drunk Reader ~Do You Love Me?~

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(U) prospective

For the fifth time in the past ten minutes I hear a deep sigh come from Saeyama and I finally turn to give him my attention "yes sae? I'm a bit busy as you can see" i huff as I was just dissecting an odd organism we found a while back on a curse victim "I never said anything" Saeyama shrugs as if he hadn't just been hinting that he wanted my attention I roll my eyes and put down my scalpel resting my hands on my hips "if you have something to say go ahead I'm all ears" I say as Saeyama has sat at his desk leaning back in his chair a hand rested behind his head as he takes a smoke his back facing me as he exhales and a fog of smoke rolls from his lips fading into the air and the room is silent for a minute "care to join me for a drink?" Sae finally asks and my lips part in silent surprise staring at the back of Saeyama's head his wild untamed black hair going in every witch direction and I smile softly then taking my surgery gloves off setting them down on the counter and when I turn back around I find Saeyama glancing back at me as if asking me with his eyes for an answer and I laugh "lemme get changed and I'll meet you there"

Time skip
Saeyama prospective

"Come here often?" I hear (u)s voice call from behind me in a giggly tone before feeling her sit across from me in the booth iv sat at and I look up to her to find she's worn a plain black dress draped over her body "when I need to vent" I nod and (u) tilts her head becoming concerned "is something bothering you?" (u) asks "nah... just felt like a drinking kinda night" I shrug and (u) smiles "we'll it's always nice to have a drinking partner hmm? What cha wanna start this party with?" (u) grins and I almost laugh at her enthusiasm "sake" I say and (u) waves over a wondering waiter "a bottle of sake and five shots of Vodka please two separate tabs if you could" (u) smiles and my eyes widen the slightest bit I wait til after the waiter has left the table to turn and face (u) "five shots?" I question skeptically and (u) rolls her eyes "don't doubt me I may be smaller than you but that don't mean I can't handle my liquor as well" (u) says matter a factly I just shrug in response taking a quick smoke

(U) prospective

"Sae" I call "hmm?" He hums letting out a breath of smoke looking to me "how are you feeling about this teaching gig?" I ask and Saeyama quirks an eye brow "and by that you mean?..." he questions "what I MEAN" I say sighing "is even after this curse spree is over in the area do you plan on staying here?" I ask and Saeyama stays quite I sigh sinking into my seat and smile a bit "I kinda thought this may happen you seem pretty attached to that kid of yours" I laugh "I never imagined the grate Saeyama would take on a disciple" I say "i don't know why it'd come as such a surprise I took you on as well just about 8 years back" Saeyama recalls with a slight curve of his lips "you'd still been in your last year of school if I recall" he reminisces and I laugh "you say that like your not only a couple years older than me" I smile and he chuckles "the maturity gape said otherwise" Saeyama chuckles and I feel happy seeing the rare sight but the moments interrupted when the waiter arrives with our drinks before taking his leave

Saeyama prospective

"Here" (u) says taking up the bottle of sake and I raise my saucer as she pours and seeing as how she's filled the glass to the brim it seems that she's intent on getting me drunk i mearly let out a content sigh taking a sip of the alcohol "to fond memories" (u) smiles holding up a shot and I nod holding up my glass to her and she grins a close eyed smile before downing the shot with a satisfied breath and I watch the sake in my cup swirl as I remember how (u) and I started I'd arrived on scene to a curse killing the only witness had been (u) I'd talked with her and contrary to the other witnesses I'd dealt with before she was very clear headed as if the death that'd occurred in front of her didn't phase her and by the time I'd gotten the chance to discuss what'd happened with her she'd already figured out what triggered the victim's death I'd had her work the case with me and with in those 24 hours we'd apprehended the curse killer I haven't worked a solo case sense

Kiyoharu Saeyama x Reader One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ