Saeyama x Cursed Assistant Reader ~Thank You~

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Flash back
(U) prospective

"We don't have much time to spare whys it gotta be so difficult to find a thought form?? I mean for curses sake there big black floating abnormalities! They shouldn't be that difficult to pin point yet here I am sweating my ass off in this heat while sae's back at the PD in the glorious air conditioning" I grumble as I'm walking threw the streets looking for any people with thought forms following them about but as I'm nearing the end of the street I don't spot any one and so with a sigh I take a small detour down a less busy street to get to the next business block but as I am I spot a young lady dressed in a pizza place uniform struggling to carry a large stack of pizza boxes i feel bad and id offer to help but focusing on the task at hand takes priority I tell myself despite the guilt I feel as we're walking towards each other both walking in opposite directions but as she's passing me I notice a box falling and with out hesitation I catch it preventing it's landing "oh my! Thank you so much that could have been bad!" She yelps and I only smile nodding "where you headed?" I ask "ah the order should be just a few doors down I think? kinda busy today you saved me a whole extra trip I appreciate the help" she grins and even though I know I don't have the time I take the top three boxes from her hands "I'll help you just a few doors down shouldn't hurt right?" I laugh smiling and the young girls face brightens "thanks so much!" She beams and suddenly I feel really dizzy but I fight past the sensation following the girl before we arrive outside a building and she rings a door bell that's answered after a bit "ah the pizza! Thank you girls so much! Here's the tip" a woman says handing us both five bucks but my head pounds and I feel like fainting as she takes the pizza inside "here... I don't need this" I tell the girl handing her my cut and her eyes widen "oh no I shouldn't! You helped me so much please keep it as thanks!" She smiles and suddenly my eyes widen my body feels like it's on fire and I fall to the ground loosing feeling in my bruise covered limbs as the girl leans over me panicking as I feel myself fading in and out of consciousness and with the few words I can muster before I faint I rasp "call... sae..."

Present time
Saeyama prospective

"Hello is this sae?!" A panicked females voice asks but it's not (u) it's another girl calling me from her phone I realize eyes going wide "this-this woman has passed out covered in bruises she told me to call you I- what do I do?!" The lady on the other end of the line freaks out "is she breathing?" I ask "Oosako get an undercover cop to (u)s location" I say covering the mic on the phone "sh-she's breathing!" The woman on the phone tells me voice still squeaky and frantic "make sure it stays that way help is coming just keep her alive til then" I tell the girl "I-I don't know how to do this! I'm-I'm just a pizza de-delivery girl! I don't know CPR!!" She argues "Listen that woman your with is resilient she's not gonna croak on you just keep her out of harms way she's not in the road is she?" I ask just trying to unnerve the person who's helping (u) "N-no" she shudders but her voice is calmer "saeyama my guy's five minutes out" Oosako tells me and I nod "that's good now I'm gonna hang up" I say "wait but-" I hang up the phone standing from my seat "what's happened? Did she-" "No she's not dead just critical" I say walking for the door "I need a room in this basement cleared for her plus stabilizing medical equipment I want her isolated" I order before shutting the door behind me

Time skip
Kanta prospective

"Sae-sensei is miss (u) gonna be alright?!" I ask as she's wheeled past us into the room that's been set up to keep her from dying "I don't worry about it" Sae-sensei says and my eyes widen "how can you say that so casually? I thought-" "it's not that I don't care" Sae-sensei sighs exhaling a ploom of smoke as were both supervising the med team as they hook (u) up to the machinery "if I didn't care I wouldn't be here right now" He says scratching the back of his neck watching the med teams work intently "I just don't have to worry because I know (u) and I know she'd be pissed if a curse killed her and I'm sure that hatred alone is enough to keep her alive" Sae-sensei says his eyes glued on (u) as she's lying on a stretcher IV's a heart monitor and an oxygen mask hooked up to her to help her labored breathing her whole body covered in bruises aside from her face and some of her neck by how her facial expression is contorted she must be in pain when one of the paramedics pass by us Sae-sensei calls to him and he stops walking to listen to what Sae-sensei has to say "get some morphine put in her IV" Sae-sensei says and the medic seems surprised "but sir-" "you hurd him can't you see she's in pain!" I snap and the medic gets back into the room "right let's go we'v got the whiteness report there's no point in staying any longer"

Time skip
(U) prospective

I wince opening my eyes to find I'm staring up at a ceiling and there's something on my face quickly I push the stuff of my face only to find there's needles in my arm from an IV and my arms are covered in bruises 'if I'm getting medical attention that girl must have contacted sae for me' I think in relief 'kindness really pays' I think ripping the IV's out of my forearm removing the oxygen mask from me as I start to stumble towards the door breathing heavy as I leaning against the walls pulling myself down the hall 'iv solved every case along side sae for the past 10 years and that streak isn't being broken now' I think treading down the corridor despite my vision blurring and this horrid virdigo I can bearly make sense of what direction im going in but as I round a corner the room sae and the others are in comes into view I'm so close yet so far it's frustrating and as I take a step forward I stumble eyes wide as I try to prevent my fall and I catch myself aginst to wall and moments later sae's new apprentice pokes his head out of the room "(u)!" Kanta yelps seeing me

Saeyama prospective

As we're all talking over the whiteness report of what happened with (u) we hear a thud in the hall yamazaki gets up out of his seat "ignore it" I tell him but he ignores me instead poking his head out into the hall looking around and I pay no mind to him as I continue to look over the report but hearing yamazaki shout (u)s name I forget about the papers setting them down pushing past him into the hall to find (u) hugging the wall to keep herself upright as she's panting trying to catch her breath face burning with fever "I'll be damed what kinda pain killers did they give you?" I ask in disbelief walking to (u) as Yamazaki and the others join me in the hall and (u) almost laughs "jealous?" She snickers then winces 'it's a miracle she didn't collapse' I think watching (u) as she leans her back against the wall slowly sliding down until she's sat on the floor and she shuts her eyes grimacing as she gasps at the pain "go get the ventilator" I tells yamazaki and he nods running down the hall as (u)s hunched over breathing shallow trying to catch her breath and so I crouch in front of (u) holding her shoulders against the wall having her straighten her posture spine parallel to the Sheetrock "breath" I tell her "you can't be of help if you pass out" I say as you looks to me face flushed with pain and she only nods slightly shutting her eyes trying to breath and when it seems she's gotten threw the worst of it I let you of (u)

(U) prospective

"it's saying thank you" I get out "thank-?" Oosako is about to question my statement but Sae glares back at him over his shoulder eyes glowing dangerously and the detective gulps as kanta comes running up wheeling a ventilator and he hands it over to sae who holds the mask to my face despite my grumbling protest and he loops the elastic bands of the oxygen mask behind my ears before patting my head messing up my hair as he stands "Kid take her back time to put this case to an end" sae says and i don't protest at the prospect of getting to feel the effects of the pain relief agin but I sae and the detectives start to head back inside the room I call our to Sae and he stops to look back at me on the floor as kanta helps me to my feet he only nods to me before going inside shutting the door behind him and kanta helps me down the hall back to the room I woke in my arm slung over his shoulder so he can support my weight "sorry bout this" I utter and kanta looks surprised then grins "it's no trouble!"

Time skip
Saeyama prospective

Once the case is wrapped up I leave the interrogation room a bit peeved with the outcome as I walk down the hall to were (u) should be and when I come into the room I find (u) already sitting up without her oxygen mask trying to take her IV's out "aye" I scold grabbing (u)s arm before she can rip her IV's out of her flesh "if you wanna damage the skin go ahead" i caution and wait til (u)'s relaxed her resisting before I release her and she sighs outstretching her arm and I sit down beside her on one of the stools taking her arm removing the surgical tape before carefully taking the needle out letting it dangle from the IV "so what's it feel like to be nearly cursed to death?" I ask humming as I take a smoke and (u) thinks for a moment before shrugging "after being cursed for the second time? I'd say redundant" (u) says nonchalantly and I almost chuckle smiling as I exhale and she laughs turning into a fit of giggling and thinking of how she'd been on the brink of death just and hour prior and now here she is laughing like it never happened I can't help but be thankful to have her as my partner and I place a soft kiss to her forehead and (u)'s giggling halts as she blinks at me before smiling softly at my gratitude "thank you"

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