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Sage's POV

It had been a while since I saw Michelle for the last time. Aelin was right in front of me, holding a cup and with an elbow on Skye's shoulder, both seated on the center table. Cole was on my right, on the couch, his gloves were gone but he kept the hat. His hair was longer, I couldn't see his eyes from that point of view.

"You guys... are boring!" Skye declared, standing up. "Let's go outside, princess?" She landed her hand on Aelin, who took a while to put the cup on the table and leave holding hands with the other.


"Yes, they are a witch." I completed.

He turned off his phone and drew this little fleeting smile. "I mean, they could be a princess or a prince... that wants to become an evil witch." Right, we could think that way, but there was also the option of them being a sort of evil witch, trying to find the right path to follow. "True, true."

At that moment I saw Michelle closing the front door and coming in our direction, her hair wet. The smile I didn't know I had slowly faded when I saw her, behind the sofa, leaning closer to Cole and laying her hand on his left shoulder.

"I'll borrow her for a while." She said loud enough, with a sneering smile. Michelle turned around the sofa and grabbed the hand that wasn't holding the knife.

"I'm not a thing for you to 'borrow'."

She didn't answer back, and we took a while to deviate from people dancing in the living room. Where was she taking me to? The kitchen? Upstairs? But it was neither, we passed over both places and she opened a room in front of the bathroom. I was pulled to the inside and, at the same time she was closing the door, she pushed me against it.

"Of course, you are not a thing. You are a fucking goddess."

"Can you tell me what we are doing here?"

"Please, don't play dumb, Sage." She laughed. "What do you think we are doing here? Or... What do you want us to do here?"

"I hate you, Michelle."

I hated that no matter how mad she made me, she'd find a way to make me forget it, only by watching me. Just like she was doing now. Reading me, drawing my body with her eyes, clearly playing with me, teasing me, and waiting for me to not be able to withstand the tension. But that wasn't going to happen.

After a long time of both looking at each other in the dim, she let out a sigh and got closer. One of her hands gently found mine, which she drove to the door next to my head, and the other went up to my jaw. Her body was glued to mine, pressing it against the wall when she licked my neck, her hair wetting my chin and front. My heart rate started increasing and I wanted her to stop. No, not to stop, I wanted her to do more. As if she had heard my thoughts, her fingers snaked between my hair and pulled it, her tongue still traveling between my neck and chest. When I figured out I was nibbling my own lower lip, my eyes were closed and Michelle had taken control of both my hands.

"Mi- Michelle..."

"Yes, Sage." She stopped and faced me. smirking. "Are you okay? Want me to stop?"

Her voice reverberated quietly and husky, my next speech remained in my brain, wandering around, lost, instead I slowly moved my head forward and kissed her lips, which later formed a smile. "We can stop if you want." My wrists were replaced by my waist and neck. I wasn't sure if what I was doing was correct, I wasn't thinking about tomorrow or yesterday, in my mind there was only me and Michelle in that unknown room, desiring each other, with only pieces of clothing impeding our bodies to fully merge.

The plastic knife I was holding fell and I hugged her cheeks with my hands, like telling her that was exactly what I wanted, squeezing my thighs together. I slightly opened my mouth, our tongues met, unhurriedly danced together, and felt each other's texture, and flavor. I took some steps forward, Michelle backward, tenderly and brutally tightening my neck, we stumbled on our own feet, together like one, until we found a bench. Michelle's fingers skimmed my leg, causing me goosebumps, then her whole palm ran through it, lifting me. We weren't kissing anymore, her hips were between my legs, our foreheads on one another, heavy and deep breathing, clumsily taking our clothes off, my body was throbbing...

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