Chapter2, Nyan Invades

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"Oh God, what now?!" He asked in hate as the annoying tune starts, oh, and by the way all the Blarg are dead now and the ships have been taken for sciencey stuff, anyways, Tim looked around, seeing a trail of rainbow, leading to a poptart cat. "So cute..." The Nyan starts shooting out thousands of miniature Nyans out of its mouth, covering the world with the new annoying tune. "I can't... what... how... I don't even..." Tim remarked at the sight of a small Nyan shooting into a skyscraper, exploding in tune and rainbow. The skyscraper's side collapses, falling over and crushing the Illuminati war ship. "How do we fight the InterWebs?" Asked a short man that nobody has ever seen before "Um... kill all satellites?" Tim responded "Nu! We fight the InterWebs... with the InterWebs" The man turned to face the Nyan in the distance, making some sort of summoning dance. As soon as he stops he closes his eyes for a moment "Bunchie..." The man murmured before opening his eyes wide "...I SUMMON THE TRUE GOD OF THE INTERWEBS, BUNCHIE!" A green llama appeared, hairless "What is that?" Questioned Tim as the Bunchie split into two Bunchies, then those two to four, and so on until there was a massive horde of Bunchies "Rare candy" *He said as he tossed a blue candy into the swarm, a Bunchie absorbs it. Suddenly the Bunchie music can be heard as they all turned to Rainbow Bunchies, jumping up and down slowly. Their music dominated the Nyan's, making it extremely mad, firing thousands of Nyans his way, but it seemed as if they started to glitch out of reality as the Bunchies slowly climbed up into the air, pouncing their way towards the Nyan like a wave of rainbow. The two Gods clashed in a destructive war of rainbows, normal reality started to distort, glitch ing as if they were in Goat Simulator. Suddenly a massive explosion can be heard, everything becoming bright with pure rainbow. The war had ended, but, who had one? Tim asked himself in his mind as the bright color faded. Infront of him was a massive, rainbow-colored mushroom cloud, the city incinerated. "My God" Tim saod as he lowered a now existing pair of shades from over his eyes "Looks like a tie... or should I say a bow?!" [Comment if you get that joke, if you get it you're a genius, I'll explain it in the next Chapter] The man laughed at the horrible [Awesome] pun. "That, that was an awesome pun" Tim nodded, pulling the shades back over his eyes.

The End [Of Chapter2]

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