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Bryan was walking around his pizzeria, with a clipboard in hand, doing a routine inspection. Just making sure everything was as it should be. But this time, Bryan seemed way more focused on trying to distract himself.

He was checking things like- 3 times, even though it's definitely not needed. This doesn't go unnoticed by a few of his friends, and son. They all sat on the stage watching Bryan pace back and forth, mumbling to himself.

They were reluctant to say anything, but wanted- or well needed to, this wasn't healthy considering Bryan had been doing this for almost 4 hours. "Hey Bryan?" Lolbit started, but got no answer, "Bryann?" Steve asked, again no answer, "Bryan!" Foxy tried to raise his voice thinking it could help, but they got no response...

Helpy smirked. She had thought of something. She walked backstage and soon returned with two knifes in hand, "H-Helpy??" GR Bonnie asked nervously. "Relax~" she smiled, "Hey Bryan! I've got knifes!" She yelled, and as she suspected, Bryan turned his attention to the stage.

"No! Helpy put them down!" He scolded the small bear, "Ah.. of course" Gregory mumbled. "Welp, we've got your attention now" she bowed. "Uh huh...?" He raised an eyebrow, "She wasn't going to do anything..... at least I hope so-" Lolbit chuckled awkwardly. "But... we did want to get your attention" he continued, "Okay, why? I'm very busy" he said, placing his clipboard on a near by table.

"Busy checking things 3 times in the span of 1 minute..?" Helpy mumbled sarcastically, even if Bryan heard, he chose not to respond.

"To put it bluntly, Bryan, we are a bit worried about you" Foxy explained walking to the edge of the stage, "Worried? Why in the world would you be worried about me?" Bryan asked. "You've been inspecting that stuff for almost 4 hours Bryan..." Steve muttered walking up to stand beside Foxy.

"Well, I need to make sure the place is in tip-top shape" Bryan strained a smile, "Bryan, are you okay?" Bonnie asked. "Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" He raised an eyebrow, "If I may interject, I have a feeling this has something to do with Dr Vendi" Helpy butted in. "H-huh?! Wha- what makes you say that?" Bryan stuttered.

"By your reaction, I can tell I'm right~" the bear said proudly, "How many times do I have to say this?! He's my boss! Nothing more, nothing less!" He hissed. Bryan picked up his clipboard, "Now, if you excuse me, I have work to do" he muttered.

"Dad, we are worried about you" Gregory whispered, "And like I've said, I'm perfectly fine" he smiled. "Not only about Dr Vendi or your family... something else is going on" he jumped of the stage, "I.. don't know what you mean..." Bryan muttered.

"I'm talking about how you disappear during the day care opening party"

Bryan looked away. "No. It's probably just something to do with his boss" Helpy shrugged, she smiled awkwardly. Only she knew about what happened. How Bryan opened the portal without using the keyboard. He didn't want anyone else to know.

"It was quite weird" Foxy muttered, "Yeah, we knew you had gone of with Dr Vendi but we saw him leaving and you were no where to be seen" Steve added on. "Come on guys, this happened weeks ago, it's all in the past" Bryan strained a smile, once again.

"I promise you.. I'm fine" Bryan smiled, trying his best to reassure his friends. "Okay... but uh... one more thing" Gregory started, "When Dr Vendi met me... he seemed - jealous" Bryan tilted his head. "Jealous? How?" Gregory sighed, "I don't know- it seemed like he was jealous that you might've had a son- like a biological one. He did ask what I meant to you"

Gregory smiled awkwardly, "I think you're looking to far into this Gregory" Bryan pat his head. "Maybe..." he whispered.


A video was heard from the stairs that lead to the entrance/exit, everyone turned their heads. And down came a familiar blonde.

"V-Vendi! H-hi!" Bryan stood straight, "Bryan, hello, how are you?" He asked with his usual posh voice. "Oohhh, I'm fineeeeee!" The brunette smiled. His smile wasn't very strong though, and Vendi seemed to catch onto this. "Uh huh....." but he decided to not say anything.

"Well, I've just came for a visit, to see how you all are doing" he smiled addressing all the animatronics in the room, including Gregory and Bryan. "That's- n-nice!" He shakes his head, in hopes his voice would stop shaking. He prayed to god that Vendi hadn't-

"Bryan, are you feeling alright?"

Shit. He definitely noticed. "Oh! I'm- uh- fine!" Bryan smiled, "You don't seem fine" Vendi raises an eyebrow. "I assure you..- I- need to go! I'll be in my office if anyone needs me!" He shouted before running off and giving no one time to respond.

"He's acting weird" Vendi commented, "He's always acting weird" Helpy rolled her eyes. "I guess that's true...." He looked at the spot where Bryan was last seen.

"Hey Dr Vendi" Gregory asked, "Yes, Gregory?" He replied looking down at the small brunette, "What... is your opinion on my dad?"

Vendi's cheeks grew red, "Bryan-? Ah.. well he's nice, and kind and obviously cares about the lot of you" he smiled. "Do you see Bryan as more than a worker?" Steve asked, "I.. why are you asking me this?" Vendi raised an eyebrow.

"No reason...." Steve muttered, giggling slightly, "Okay, okay well, I just came for a visit, if you don't need me- I'll be on my way" he smiled. "Bye Dr Vendi!!!" Gregory waved, all the animatronics took their turn in saying 'goodbye' and with that - the blonde CEO walked back up the stairs.

Vendi was about to leave, when he hears a smash, coming from the direction of Bryan's office. He tilts his head before walking in the direction.

He walked towards the door, and found Bryan sitting on the floor clutching his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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