Chapter 1

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The roar of 2,000 students and their families cheering filled the auditorium. I wasn't clapping, though. I was looking down at my diploma, happy that it was over, but scared about what was next. Most people have plans after college, but I was so busy trying to stay afloat I forgot to make one. What was I suppose to do next?

"Mere?" I looked up abruptly to see Bri gesturing for me to stand. Everyone else was standing and cheering, throwing their caps in the air.  I quickly stood up and started applauding. I gave her a weak smile, knowing my life-long best friend was absolutely oblivious to my emotions. I turned to see if I could see Owen in the audience.

Besides Bri, my big brother was the only other person I had left. Our parents passed away in a car accident after my high school graduation. Talk about new beginnings... the transition to college was brutal, but thankfully I had Owen. We grew up in a college town, so we never had to move away from each other when I started school. He was 25, working at a tiny law firm as a new lawyer. Yeah, the successful one out of the two of us. Who gets a marketing degree and doesn't actually like marketing... me that's who. At least we finally had a little more money.

I spot him jumping up and down a couple rows to my left. I laugh and wave.

Bri pokes me. "Can you believe this?" She asks. "Not in the slightest" I say as everyone sits back down. Our tassels are now on the right side and the university's President is wrapping up his speech. I nervously pick at the skin on my thumb, something I've done since I waited for news about my parents in the hospital. Bri slaps my hand away and frowns at me. "Stop picking, this is exciting!" Wow... she never notices my emotions, but she is always there to make sure I don't ruin my manicure.

Bri and I have been attached at the hip ever since birth. Her mom and mine became college best friends, after being sat next to each other in class. Balder and Ball are right after each other when it comes to last names. They made sure to get pregnant at the same time. In fact, I was born only 1 week before Bri. She's been my light at the end of the tunnel my whole life. She's the type of person that everyone aspires to be. Beautiful, brilliant, busy, bright Bri. That's what I always jokingly call her. It's true though, she was the smartest in every class, valedictorian for our high school, played soccer, volleyball, AND tennis, was always cheery, and every guy swooned over her. I don't blame them, she's gorgeous. Big brown eyes, perfect skin, light brown hair with natural blonde highlights and waves that lay right on the top of her shoulders. Picture a young Natalie Portman with blonde highlights, that's Bri.

Now you'd think this would all go to her head and make her turn into a Sharpay Evans, but she was the complete opposite. She is the most humble, kind, and sweetest person I've ever met. Yes, the last two are synonyms, but that's just to emphasize it. She knows she's beautiful, but not in a 'all the boys think I'm hot' way, more like a 'all women are beautiful and we should love ourselves' way. She's even helped me throughout the years learn to love myself.

She pokes me again as a cue to start walking. I zone back in and realize the seats to my left have begun walking to the aisle. I grab her hand and rush to catch up.

We get outside and it's gloomy, I don't expect anything less from Oregon. "Are you going to Ziggy's party?" I ask her. "Totally am and you are too, Sam's going to be there!" Sam is Bri's boyfriend and Zeke, or what everyone calls him, Ziggy, is his best friend. I got a pitty invite since Bri always brings me everywhere. She gives me the biggest smile before hugging me and running off to find her family. I get a buzz from my dress pocket and pull out my phone.

It's Bri: [I'll be at your house at 8]. I look up at her walking away and groan thinking she's really gonna make me go.

I look back down about to dial Owen when a hand pops in front of my screen. "Congratulations graduate!" Owen exclaims. "Thanks Owen" I say as I give him a hug. "Where should we go out to eat?" "How about we cook at home?" He smiles knowing my favorite way to spend time with people is cooking.

He pulls the keys out of his pocket and smiles as he starts walking toward the car. I follow him but get a sudden nervous feeling. New beginnings for me haven't been great in the past. I pick at my skin again until I hear Bri's voice in my head telling me to stop.

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