First Thoughts

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Loki (Lori):

"Whoa. She is hot. And she's Bebe's cousin. A little awkward since our breakup but I can't help but wanna talk to her."

Loni (Leni):

"This girl is really smart. She is a lot like my brother Levi. She's kinda cute too."

Luke (Luna):

"I can't believe I found another person who's into Rock and Roll as much as me. This is totally awesome. Now if she is into McSwagger that'll be amazing."

Lane (Luan):

"A new girl. Great. Now I got somebody to really listen to all my jokes and she laughs too when I tell them. I wonder what else she likes."

Lynn (Lynn):

"I've never met a girl who is so athletic. She's pretty good. And she likes watching me practice. I gotta hang around her some more. She seems kinda cool."

Lars (Lucy):

"This girl is so strange. She isn't goth like me but she likes a lot of the same stuff I do. I don't care for her color clothing choices but I can't help but watch her."

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