Chapter 2

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Waking up from the sunlight of the hole in his was Izuku sits up straight to see his girlfriend covering her face with the covers in order to have some shade from the sun. He got his phone from the stand to open a text chat with Cementos asking him if he could fix his wall with the brick hero asking if it happened again. After kissing her forehead he leaves his room to grab an apple to get ready for his run. He walks through the living room finishing his snack as he sees Tokoyami sitting on the couch with his hands on his head.

Izuku: Good morning Tokoyami!

Tokoyami: *tired* Morning Midoriya

Izuku: Rough night?

Tokoyami: I would have some sleep if someone wasn't banging in the room next to me *glares*

Izuku: *nervous* Y-Yeah sorry about that Tokoyami bu-

Tokoyami: Dude can't you just do it in her room! I mean this the 18th time this month that I couldn't get some sleep.

Izuku: I know sorry for ruining your sleep schedule. It's just a month ago she's just been asking to do it more. I mean we even did it during hero training once *embarrassed*

Tokoyami: I swear I might need to get a spray bottle for you two *rubs his eyes* but still you know you can say no right?

Izuku: It's just hard for me to say no to Min. Also it feels really nice. *smiles*

Tokoyami: *sighs* Just stop doing it next to my room. I have nothing against your relationship but enjoy it far away from me please.

Agreeing to talk to Min-Min about moving places for their 'love making time' to another location Izuku leaves for his jog. Meanwhile Min-Min woke up and saw that her boyfriend wasn't next to her, she walked out while wearing his white shirts with kanji on it. She makes it back to the girls side without getting noticed, at least to her, as she is about to open her door she hears her neighbor calling her out.

Tsuyu: So you returned ribbit.

Min-Min: Ahh! Tsuyu stop scaring me like that!*pouts* and what are you doing here?

Tsuyu: I came to tell that you've missed girl's night yesterday. ribbit

Min-Min: Shit was that yesterday?! I thought it was today!

Tsuyu: We both know that you know it was yesterday. Don't have shame on wanting to 'spend time' with your boyfriend ribbit. But I think you should tell the class about your relationship.

Min-Min: Why it's got nothing to do with them? Plus I don't care about what they have to say-

Tsuyu: They were talking about Ochako and Midoriya being together. Ribbit


Min-Min knows that Uraraka has had a crush on Izuku since the fight against the teachers. The only reason that she doesn't brag about landing on a score like Izuku was because she knew how this would affect her. But maybe leaving her out of the dark of the relationship might do more harm than she expected. Coming back to reality as Tsuyu touches her shoulder.

Tsuyu: I know that your my friend Mineta but so is Ochako and I don't want her to get heartbroken from a rejection from a potential confession ribbit. You telling the class might be the least hurtful way to let her down ribbit.

Min-Min: Y-Your right *looks down* I will talk to Izuku about this but I have to get ready class is gonna in 2 hours. Bye Tsuyu *enters her room*

Grabbing her phone she turns it on and opens a chat with her boyfriend. She wonders if she should tell Izukj about making their relationship public. Izuku told her that he doesn't really mind having their classmates knowing seeing he didn't care about Tsuyu, Tokoyami, and Todoroki catching them kissing. While it was a surprise for them to say the least it was Min-Min that pled for them not to say anything. Tsuyu reluctantly agrees with Todoroki not caring much about the relationship and Tokoyami hoping that Izuku doesn't fall into darkness. Making it to her class she decides to announce their relationship in a surprising matter. Though as Izuku is usually one of the last few she can't just do her surprise so she rested her head on her desk. She only hopes that nothing wrong goes today.

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