Hunt For Ziro

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It finally happened. The very power a certain Jedi princess had been wishing for for as long as she could remember.

The Jedi Council was in total shock and disbelief when Anakin told them how Gabby rescued her family as well as about a dozen senators from bounty hunters by use of the Force. They even asked him to bring Gabby in so they could test her out.

Carousella brought in some various items: a book, a rock, a rope, a ball, and Gabby's teddy bear. But, the Council performed a screen test like they did for Anakin when he first arrived at the Temple.

Mace explained to Gabby that he was going to have five different pictures appear on the screen, and Gabby had to tell him what each one was by using the Force. The first picture was a ship. The second one was a cup. The third was a speeder. And the fourth was a cup again.

"This one will be the hardest." Mace said. Then, he switched the picture to something entirely different from the others.

Gabby closed her eyes and concentrated.

"It's a flower." She said.

"But what type of flower?"

"A stargazer. Pink and white, and a blue butterfly is sitting on it."

Master Plo looked at the picture.

"She's good." Plo said, astonished.

The Council was impressed so far.

"I can do more than that." Gabby said.

Suddenly, the book Carousella put down started flapping and floating like a butterfly. Gabby made the ball and rock float around too, and made the rope move around like a snake being charmed. And she made her teddy bear dance.

The whole Council was in total shock when they saw just how powerful this little girl was already growing in her newest power.

"Powerful, you are, Young Gabriella." Yoda said. "But much to learn you have."

"Like what?" Gabby asked. "I know how to levitate and sense things."

"The Force is a lot more than making things fly, doing mind tricks, and sensing, Princess." Anakin said. "Even the most powerful Jedi in the Order, including me, had a lot to learn when we grew strong enough to use the Force for the first time."

"The question is who is the correct Jedi to teach her?" said Master Koth.

"Can't Daddy teach me?" Gabby asked.

"It's impossible for a Jedi to take on more than one Padawan." Mace said.

"But I'm only three and a half." Gabby said. "You said a Jedi has to be at least thirteen before becoming a Padawan."

"Well, I became one at age nine." Anakin said.

Gabby looked at her father. "Whose side are you on?" Then she looked at the Council. "Daddy already teaches Ahsoka and takes care of me at the same time. Why shouldn't he get to teach me? If he wants to, anyway."

The Jedi Council looked at each other. She did raise a couple of good points. She was indeed too young to be an official Padawan, but they agreed that Anakin had the most experience with Gabby and she trusted him. Plus, they had the strongest connection to each other. So, they decided to have Anakin do a trial run as Gabby's teacher.

Even though Gabby managed to save her family from the bounty hunters, she couldn't stop the release of Ziro the Hutt from the Republic prison.

So, the Jedi Council assigned Obi-Wan Kenobi to retrieve the Hutt with the help of his unicorn Peppermint Twist as well as Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos. Unknown to the Jedi, however, Ziro the Hutt was in the clutches of the five Hutt families of the distant world of Nal Hutta.

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi RiseWhere stories live. Discover now