Shadow Warrior & Memories

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Some time passed since the war with the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, and Gabby resumed her search for answers. She contacted Memoria to see if she knew about a river of memory.

And Memoria told her: "Many rivers hold memories, Gabby. The tricky part is finding the memories you're looking for. If you wanna find the answers, I suggest starting with the waters closest to your heritage."

Gabby thought about what Memoria told her, and she knew the chances of finding water on Tatooine, much less convincing her parents to let her go there, were slim to none. So, Gabby decided to search on her mother's home planet Naboo. Conveniently, there was a new mission for the Skywalkers on Naboo.

Rumors spread that the Gungans were planning to aid the Separatists in an attack on Theed. Thus, they called Senator and Princess Skywalker over, accompanied by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Boba, and their horses.

Gabby could see the water all around them, even with all the fog. She recalled that Memoria said the water would have memories, but she would have to come in close contact with it. A small amount of the water should be enough for her to access the memories within it.

Just then, a watercraft rose from the water, and out came Jar Jar Binks.

"Oh, boy." Jar Jar groaned slightly. "Mesa must stop zippen to ze surface. Ears go boomba someday."

Gabby took out a little container she brought with her and filled it with some of the water from the lake while her parents asked Jar Jar what was wrong.

"We're hearing disturbing rumors." Anakin said.

"Is Boss Lyonie calling for a march on Theed?" Padme asked.

"Oh, yesa, My Lady." Jar Jar answered.

"But why now? The Gungans and surface-dwellers have been fine." Gabby said. "Some were even at the wedding, remember?"

"Mesa don't know. Hesa give mooie fiery speeches blamen Naboo for everything." Jar Jar said.

"Well, let's just hope he's only talking out because he's cranky and didn't sleep well enough." Remix said.

"How we all wish that could be the case in war time." Carousella said.

"Mesa say it couldn't be true." Jar Jar finished.

"Of course, it's not," said Padme as she and her family got on board.

"We need to talk to him Jar Jar." Anakin said.

Boba looked at the container of water Gabby held and said, "You know we brought water if you're thirsty, right?"

"I'm not gonna drink it," said Gabby, scrunching her nose in disgust. "It's for something magic-related. But first, we have to take care of this problem. I'm gonna be queen of Naboo someday, so I have to help it first."

Jar Jar brought the Skywalkers to where Boss Lyonie was giving a speech, and just like Jar Jar said, the Gungan leader was giving some disturbing speeches.

A Gungan general approached the group.

"This is mooie-mooie bad," said Jar Jar. "Don't worry, General. Mesa friends can help."

"Mesa hope so, Jar Jar." said the general.

After the other gungans were dismissed, Jar Jar and the Skywalkers approached Boss Lyonie.

"Young Senator Skywalker and Young Princess Gabriella, if yousa here to talk mesa out of marchen on Theed," said Boss Lyonie. "yousa wasting time."

"With all due respect, your course of action is based on lies," said Padme.

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