Investigating & Growing Magic

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While her father was on a dangerous mission to rescue slaves, Gabby decided she had to look more into the case of where her powers came from and how her dreams and visions were connected.

Gabby decided she had to find out more about Qui-Gon Jinn, and since Obi-Wan was away on the mission as well, she had to consider other options. So, she went to every Council member she could find and asked them if they knew anything about Qui-Gon other than what Obi-Wan had told her.

Unfortunately, many Jedi knew nothing. Except, Master Plo told her that he did disappear for some time after the year on Mandalore with Obi-Wan. All they really knew was he told them he met someone, but he came back for Obi-Wan. But then about ten months later, he disappeared again, and no one knew where or why. Then, Gabby asked Master Yoda if he had any idea why Qui-Gon would have been disappearing and keeping secrets.

"Does anyone here even know where he came from?" Gabby asked the Grand Master. "I mean, what if a Jedi decided to leave because they wanted to be with their family, or they had a medical condition where they needed a match and biological family was their best chance? Wouldn't the Order keep records of where each Jedi came from."

"Such things, exist they do. But accessed easily, they are not." Yoda said. "Why interested, are you?"

"I can't say right now, Master." Gabby said with a bow. "But I feel like there's something my family doesn't know about that could be a matter of life and death and we don't even know it yet."

So, Master Yoda showed Gabby the archives that showed the names, birth places, and birth records of every Jedi in the Order.

Yoda found the data file for Qui-Gon Jinn. It showed his birth and death certificates, one of which held the name of the hospital he was born in, and the names of his parents. According to the records, Qui-Gon was sixty years of age when he died, and he was born in the same hospital Anakin had gone to when Obi-Wan accidentally gave him a concussion when he knocked him out to get Gabby almost two years ago. And, when Gabby looked at the names on the certificate, she saw the mother was named... Miranda Starling.

That surprised Gabby. She remembered on Mortis, the baby girl in her dream... her name was Miranda Starling. And when Gabby looked deeper into the file, she found a very old picture of a woman who looked no older than twenty-five carrying a newborn baby in her arms. The girl looked just like Serafina, the other girl in her dream.

Gabby pieced it all together. If Miranda Starling was Qui-Gon's mother, that would mean he was descent from royalty. A prince. But, what did that have to do with her powers?

Gabby decided she had to do more digging. She knew Tatooine was one of the last places Qui-Gon travelled before he died, so she contacted Dracona and asked her if she could get her some sand from Tatooine. Since she was a dragon, she could tolerate the heat ten times better than ordinary humans. And, about a day and a half later, Gabby got the sand she needed.

Gabby knew it was a long shot, but she had to try to search the sand for memories. She held the sand in her hands, and gave her own words for a spell to access the memory in it.

Desert sand in my hand

What memories do you hold?

Help me understand,

Let the truth unfold.

The sand started to surround Gabby, and she closed her eyes as it started to form a dome around her, and her eyes switched from green to silver as a strong with blew around her.

The sand showed Gabby visions of the past. Visions of the day Anakin met Padme, when he won the pod race, and when his mother died. But then, Gabby spotted some other memories that Anakin never shared with her when he told her how he met Qui-Gon. From what Gabby could see, it was nighttime, and Qui-Gon was with a woman who looked like the one Anakin had been holding before she died. And Gabby quickly realized that was her grandmother Shmi. But, why was she holding hands with Qui-Gon? But then... they were kissing!

Legend of the Jedi Princess: Enchanted Jedi RiseWhere stories live. Discover now